21. Silence of Death

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       You'd think after being alive for so long I'd grown immune to the pain of someone dying. But no, it still hurt..somewhere inside of me. At first, it felt calm and peaceful as your head kept you from believing that they were gone but then you began to realize it. Realize that they were gone without truly believing it yet. You'd still think they were living and going through their daily routine. 

       Then you'd cry when that illusion finally washed away and you realized that they were gone forever, not able to ever come back. No matter how loud or hard you cried for them and those memories of them just yesterday being alive. Realizing how fast a life can be taken. 

But somehow, even after all of that sorrow and dispair..

It goes away.

Though it never does completely, there will still be that deep cut in your mind that tainted your life forever. 

Some people will tell you, you do not have to be sad for them, be happy that they got to live a life they loved. 

But..what if they didn't? 

What if all of their life you saw them hurt and lead a life of deep sorrow?

What then?

What are you meant to think then?

From all of this, I have learned one thing about myself..

Death is the one thing I am truly scared of. 

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