17. Caught -Part 1-

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A/N: Some new characters are introduced here!- I'm sorry they're kind of badly introduced, especially the two guards. Sorry for the cliffhanger, (It's two in a row>:3 Muhahaha-) Enjoy!


Those words echoed in my mind as I picked 999 up and ran. I was screaming at myself to turn around and help him. But another part also knew it was already too late, he was going to be contained, and if I helped him now. I'd be contained too. Then this would all be for nothing. God, I knew this was a bad idea, I knew something bad was going to happen, why didn't I try to stop it, why didn't I-

There was a loud rumble and the ground shook, making me fall to the ground. 999 held on to my arms tightly, whimpering. I looked up and saw the ceiling above crack ever so lightly, as a light white powder fell. "W-What was that?" Came 999's squeaking voice. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Then I realized the shouts from the guards with 035 were gone, it was silent. Like everything in the facility was now still, frozen in time. I thought about going back to him.

"..W-Wheres Mask?" 999 asked quietly. I looked down at them, sighing. "I..don't know," I mumble, slowly standing up again. "Let's go find out," I said, as my voice quivers a little and I stood up to walk back to where Dyo was. This is going to go horribly wrong. Why am I doing this? I shouldn't go back, I need to get out of here. I need to cure. I stopped walking, staring straight ahead of me. "I.." I trailed off, getting lost in my own thought. "What's da matter dokter?" (What's the matter doctor?) I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "..Dokter?"

-Time Skip-



I immediately started to run away from them, but before I could get too far they shot my host right in the leg. I fell and slammed my fist on the ground. DAMMIT, I screamed internally, turning around and looking at those damn guards. "You know, it's very rude to shoot someone when they're in the middle of something," I said, standing back up. They had me surrounded but it was at least worth a try. "Although, I suppose I'll let this pass..I can still stand after all." I couldn't help but smirk. I could tell they were angry, it was hilarious, to say the least. "SCP-035, I suggest that you come willingly with us." One with the name, A. Daniel ingrained on their armor said. I sighed and rolled my eyes, laughing. "Oh..that's not what's going to happen," I growled, as the black goo quickly overtook the host's body, faster than before. I heard the guards groan in disgust as the body dissolved into nothing but a black puddle on the floor. There was a few awkward moments of silence. "Did he just.." One named A. Robin mumbled. "...Kill off the host?" They finished. (A. is supposed to be Agent, I just don't know how to shorten it-)

Daniel crossed his arms and sighed, "We don't have time for this, we need to get this SCP contained before anything else happens.."

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