12. Adorable, is he not?

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"Well..what?" I ask. 049's silver-blue eyes darted around the room a bit. "They...They treated me as anyone else would." He mumbles. "They think I am a murderer, therefore they treat me like one." He finished, crossing his arms. "Ah, I see," I say faintly. "Could've just said that they mistreat you," I say as 049 sighs. "It's not like they don't mistreat every other creature in here, so what is the difference?" The doctor said, his voice getting louder. "Still, every individual has feelings, including you," I say, putting a hand on his shoulder. 049 hums. "I suppose..but let's not dwell on that past for long, let's focus on getting out for now." He says, looking back to 999 who was now trying desperately to stack a few blocks on top of each other but to no avail.

"He's much like a child, is he not?" 049 says and although I couldn't see his smile, I could tell it was there. I nod in agreement. "No wonder the staff here loves him so much," I say, looking to the orange blob who was happily throwing a small doll up and down. 049 hums in response. "Do you think we'll actually be able to get out of here..? I mean, with all the security and all, almost seems impossible." 049 says. I stay quiet for a moment, smiling. "Says the man who's trying to cure a disease from inside a containment cell." I chuckle. 049 huffs at me saying this. "Well I would be able to continue my research if those incessant "doctors" hadn't-"


"Doc, Doc..calm down." 035 says, patting me on the back. "Don't get all riled up, alright?" I look at him and sigh. "I won't but...we really should get going soon, we've been here for a while." I say stretching a little bit. 035 follows suit and walks over to 999 who is smiling as usual. I yawn quietly, making my way over to the door and opening it. "I hope we don't run into any guards," I say to myself, waiting for the other two to catch up.


I watch as 049 makes his way to the door. "Adorable, is he not?" I say, to no one in particular. I hear a small squeak from below me. I look down and see 999 bursting with happiness. "You think doctor is adorable?" He asks excitedly. I chuckle and nod. "Of course I do, how could you not?" I say, walking over to 049, leaving 999 behind in a squealing excited mess.

"What made him so excited?" 049 asks, gesturing to the happy blob. I smirk and shrug. "Haven't a clue."

A/N: Hi guys! So yeah uhm, new book cover! Believe it or not it took me forever to design it..but anyway. Sorry this chapter is so short, it's 12 o' clock right now and its honestly hard to keep my eyes open. Hope you like it, more updates soon!

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