22. Bittersweet

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm sorry this chapter is so short, if I'm being completely honest I haven't been in the best mental state these past few weeks but I am trying my best to update when I can. I hope you'll somewhat enjoy this chapter. (And yes I did add little Christmas-y touches because I couldn't help myself).


       "Dyo? Are you alright?" I mumbled, noticing his blank stare and deep frown. "Oh, uhm.." He mumbled, shaking his head and looking up. "Yes, I'm alright..just spaced out." He said, the mask turning back into a sweet smile. I still gave him a questioning look. He smiled back saying, "I'm okay darling, I promise." He said, taking my hand into his. I looked away from him and pulled my hands away. "Stop that," I said, feeling my face heat up yet again. He chuckled in response, pushing the button to another door. There was a slight silence as the door opened, both of us a little taken aback by the scene. The room looked cozy and sweet compared to the gray and dull hallways we had been walking through for days.

       Dyo was the first to enter the room, he looked around at the festive decorations that surrounded the area. A small tree in the center of a table, red and gold ornaments hung from the ceiling, even small Christmas-like stickers stuck to the glass of what looked to be a receptionist's desk. He hummed, gesturing for me to step in. I did and took in the sight myself, it calmed me to see something normal in this chaotic place, but one thing caught my eye in particular. The fireplace. It was a nice brick red rather than the gray that took over all other parts of this building, it brought back memories I didn't know I had. Sitting by the fire with a book or talking. I couldn't remember where though, or who I walked to. I grunted in frustration, hating that I did not remember.

       "Something the matter doc?" 035 asked, taking a keycard off the desk he was looking at. I shrugged a little, taking one more glance at the fireplace before moving along. "Do you think they still celebrate all of the holidays the same?" Dyo asked. I thought for a moment. "Well, there probably have been a few changes since we were free," I said, opening the little satchel I carried and pulling out a few wooden trinkets. Dyo looked at me confused but said nothing. "I remember when I was little-" Dyo burst out laughing. "Haha! Wait wait, when you were little?" He asked, crossing his arms and leaning against a wall. "So the bird doctor was a little human once eh?" He said. "I never said I wasn't," I snapped back, I hate being interrupted. " Now... I was saying, when I was younger I distinctly remember having wood ornaments, only wood." I said, tapping one of the plastic ornaments on the fake tree. "It's odd but that is one of the very few memories I have of that time," I said, looking down at them fondly. "The only memory you have is of these..?" Dyo asked, seemingly unimpressed. I just nodded 

       Dyo hummed, standing up straight while I compared the ornaments I'd saved to the modern ones. "What other memories do you have?" He asked softly, I suppose even he could tell this was a sensitive topic. He gently took one of the little trinkets from my hand. "Not much, but most are private and some well, disturbing." Dyo glanced at me when I said that last word. "How so?" He gave the ornament back to me as I said this. "IT was normal to beat your child in those times was it not? That is what I mean." I sid, putting the wood away back.

       As we exited the room I could tell Dyo wanted to ask more questions, it was just part of his nature but thankfully bite his tongue instead.


       I'd somehow started to believe that the doctor never had a childhood. I suppose I never thought about it. Hmm.

-Time Skip-

       The doctor and I continued to walk about, talking about the good days. Although it was mostly me talking..about the theatre and my time in the Mediterranean. The more I spoke about these memories the quieter the doctor got. I'd asked him about it but like always he was brushed it off and said it was nothing. Eventually, I got tired of the "I'm alright's," and the "Do not worry's" so, I stopped right before a flight of stairs we were about to go up. "Doc, you're not alright stop saying you are," I said. "It hurts me when you act like this, I'm not an idiot and I know you're hurting so stop with the lying. You know as well as I do, it's pointless." I said. The doctor stopped and looked up at me before turning away again. "..You're right, I'm sorry Dyo." He said, putting his head down. I gave his back a small rub before walking up the stairs. "I'm not mad doc, just don't want you holding things in," I said calmly. "Yes yes, it's something that I'm so used to, I suppose I just forget that I can trust you." The doctor replied, following me.

        "Hmm, so what's bothering you so much?" I asked, putting my arms around my back neatly. "Oh, well.. I suppose it is hard for me too.." 049 trailed off for a few seconds. "Hear about all of the memories you have, since I have none to recall myself, aside from a few minor ones from childhood." He said as we approached another set of stairs. There was a minute of silence in between us as I thought. "Doc..you don't think the foundation had anything to do with your memory loss do you?" I ask, turning to him. I paused for a moment before continuing to walk. "Hmm, I have.. never thought about it." He mumbled, his eyes scanning the floor as he thought. "I mean it's possible isn't it?" I asked. 049 nodded. "Well they better not have, or I will make them regret being born," I grumbled. "Well now, there's no need for that now." 049 responded, I could tell he was smiling. God, I missed his warm gentle smile so much. "Once we're out of here there will be no worrying about them again, well in a perfect world anyway." The doctor said, shrugging. "You and I both know this world is far from perfect." 

"Hehe, yes yes I know Dyo."


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