Linny, Lando, Lorenz

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"Get your little bum out here Lin. We're leaving.", Lando banged on the door of my now packed up motorhome. "Chill boy. I'm ready to go.", I stumbled out with my little suitcase and my backpack. "Where is Mr. Lover boy?", he joked as I locked my motorhome. "He's already on his way back to England. And he told me about your guys idea for me to come to England.", I answered and stepped down to the concrete. "And?", Lando looked like a little excited dog. "I said yes of course. Did you really think I'd decline? You guys are rich! It's like a freaking vacation every time I come over.", I chuckled. Lando gave me a side hug.
"You know I really missed our group.", he said. "Me too. Me too.", I grinned.

We got to Lando's car and loaded our stuff in there. I already had all my things that I'd need for England with me and so did Lando. The trunk was extremely full and I doubted that it'd close. But it did with some slight forcing.
"So are you coming right after Vienna or do you have some commitments at the factory?", Lando asked while we were cruising on the motorway. "So we stay in Vienna until Wednesday. On Thursday I need to be at the factory but from then on I am free until we leave for Silverstone. Which is conveniently placed in England so actually I don't have to leave until Thursday.", I explained my schedule while looking into my calendar checking if you got my dates right. "So we get you for a whole week? Sick mate.", he looked really excited. "I already talked to my parents and we can all stay in our weekend house. And you know what's even better? We have our F2 races also in Silverstone which means we get to spend the race weekend together again.", Lando seemed alarmingly excited but I loved seeing him that way. Sometimes I think people are expecting so much off of him and growing up in a family involved in business can't be the easiest. But he stayed humble and down to earth even though his parents are loaded.

"So Lorenz texted me that the parents are not home. They have left for a little mini vacation. He says it's not because I am coming but they did book it right after it was clear that I was coming.", I told Lando paraphrasing what Lorenz just texted me. "They suck. But I am excited to see a Lorenz again. It's such a shame he can't come to the races anymore. Stupid school. Look at me I was absolutely terrible in school but I am still in F2. What does he need this diploma for anyway?", I chuckled at his rant. "Because my dear my brother is not gifted in racing cars so he has to find something else and to keep his options open to study at university he needs this diploma.", I told him. "Stupid university.", Lando muffled.

After about 3 hours of driving we got to my old home in Vienna. It was a flat in the inner part of the city.
"You know I always loved your place. It's so wonderfully normal. Whenever I look at my house it just seems a bit crazy.", Lando explained while we took our weekend bags out of the car. His flashy car really stood out in the neighbourhood but he was adamant about keeping it out in the streets rather than parking it in our garage. "I love your place.", he said and we walked up to the apartment complex. "Maybe we should swap?", Lando joked as we made our way up to my apartment door.

"Linny!", Lorenz squealed when I stepped through the door. I hugged him tightly and felt some tears creep up. "I missed you so much.", I choked. "Lorenz my boy. It's great to see you again.", Lando said an hugged my brother after I let him go. "You too. And congrats on the race. I didn't get round to texting you.", Lorenz said. "Ah no worries mate. Thank you. You sister taking a podium was way more important anyways.", Lando smiled. These two always got along well.
We got settled in and Lorenz started a nice meal. "So tell me. What has been going on since I last saw you?", Lorenz asked. Lando and I were sitting at the table in the kitchen while Lorenz did his thing at the stove. "Well for starters George and Lin are back on.", Lando dropped the bombshell. "WHAT?!?", my twin looked shocked but happy and I was blushing. "Landooooo! Way to start a conversation.", I moaned. "Sorry but it needed to be said. It's not like Lorenz would mind. He was the biggest Ginny shipper out of all of us.". Lando grinned. "That's true but let's backtrack here because the last thing I was aware of was you Linny having a crush on Max and breaking up with Stoffel.", Lorenz explained. "Oi mate you missed so much.", Lando chuckled.
"So uhm basically I broke up with Stoffel or he broke up with me. I actually don't really know because he and I were at completely different points in our lives. Also I developed something for Max. I didn't wanna call it feelings and I still don't but it definitely wasn't nothing. Then in Graz we went on like a date. Or something. And it was really nice and he told me that when I'm ready he would be there. I said I couldn't get with him because I had just ended it with Stoffel.", I told the story.
"Wow. So how does our boy Russel get into the mix?", Lorenz asked intrigued.
"Well it was after the race really. But before that Stoffel threw a fit because Max came to Vienna with me for that ORF Interview. Stoff was really pissed off and Lando warned me. Stoffel and I then made up and talked about how we handled everything wrong.  Yeah I didn't really talk that much to Max which I didn't find that weird because it wasn't like we were texting daily. So after the race we all agreed to go out because we just got a podiums the boys came with us because I love them.  George and I have always stayed kinda close as you know. We didn't need to see each other daily but there was an unbreakable bond. So in the bar Max pulled me to the side and I thought ok maybe something could happen. But he told me he reconnected with Dilara and that I was what inspired him to be so honest. When I came back to the group George knew instantly and took me back to my motorhome. He said he could see right through my facade. Yeah.", I explained. I wouldn't tell him about the night we spent together because quite frankly I found that stuff weird to discuss with my brother.
"Ah she left out the good stuff. George stayed at hers and you know...", Lando wiggled his eyebrows. Lorenz' eyes went wide and he dropped the spatula he was stirring the food with. "Wow. That's indeed a shocker.", Lorenz said after a few seconds and I must've looked like a pumpkin. "Was he good?", my brother then asked and Lando burst out laughing. "We tried to ask them that. But they went all shy.", Lando complained. "No comment.", I said burying my face in my hands. Just then I got a message. "That's probably the lover boy.", Lorenz joked and boy he was right.

Hey :) I just wanted to make sure you got to Vienna safely.? 🤍 ~ Georgie
Damn why is he sooo nice? "Oh how nice of him.", Lando said as he snatched my phone from my hands. "Lando I swear if you...", I tried to snatch my phone back but he ran off with it.
Yes Lando was a great driver. :) I miss you ❣️~ Lin
"Too late.", he said when I finally got to him. "Lando what did you do?", I asked and he showed me the message. "Ugh.", I huffed.

We spent the remainder of the day watching movies and joking around. It felt extremely nice to be back home even if it was just for a short amount of time. I never really had to time to think about how missed a longed for my twins presence at the races. But being back here reminded me of how much I missing him. He really was my better half.
We went to bed fairly early and as always I looked at my phone before closing my eyes.
I miss you too. But we'll see each other soon 🤍~ Georgie
I smiled at his text.
I can't wait for that! We haven't spent time together like this in way too long. ~ Lin
I mean we did this a lot before you got into F1 and whooped our arses. But I'm really happy we are doing this again~ Georgie
I did not whoop your arses. I was lucky. And next year we are gonna be together in F1 and I can't wait for that. ~ Lin
Can I ask you something? ~ Georgie
Yes ~ Lin
When you get here could I maybe come pick you up from the airport?~ Georgie
I would love that. 🤍~ Lin
Good then I'll pick you up. And now I will let you sleep because the only time you text back directly is just before you go to sleep. Good night Lin 🤍~ Georgie
Good night 🤍 ~ Lin

Maybe this was the feeling I longed for the whole time. And I just searched for it in the wrong place?

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