"It's lights out and away we go!"
Carolin has never been more excited for a Grand Prix in her life. Starting the 2018 season as a test driver for Toro Rosso was already a dream come true. But after a terrible crash in Baku she gets the chance to dr...
Nico was really fun to be around and he spoke german which was a welcomed difference. "So you and Vandoorne?", he asked while dancing. "Yes.", I smiled. "Good for him. I mean I bet that you'd choose Max but I can see why you went for Vandoorne.", he explained. "Wait what!? What do you mean with you bet I would choose Max? Please don't tell me you drivers had a bet going on.", I was shocked at this revelation. "Don't worry it was only me, Daniel, Fernando and Ocon. It was actually Esteban who inspired this all.", the german chuckled. "It's not funny.", I swatted his arm and chuckled too.
We partied until the early hours of the morning and to say I was tired was an understatement. "Come on babe.", Stoffel picked me up and carried me up to his flat. "You know that I can still walk right?", I laughed. "Yes but I wanted to do this for a really long time. Also Hülkenberg and Ricciardo stole you nearly the whole night and now I need some Lin time.", he looked deeply into my eyes and I was mesmerised. "Do you now?", I stood in front of him and walked as close as I could. His hand brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "Yes.", he nodded. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. "Is that what you had in mind?", I whispered my lips still brushing against his. Stoffel didn't give ma an audible answer, he just kissed me with more passion than ever. Then he suddenly stopped. "What?", I asked him confused as he pulled away. "Not today. Not like this. Let's just sleep". With that he cuddled me and nearly instantly fell asleep.
"Do you really need to leave?", Stoffel moaned for the 500th time. "Yes. But it's only a week till we see each other again.", I smiled and pecked his lips. The Belgian drove me to the airport where I started my hell of a long journey to Faenza. "Call me when you get home?", Stoffel looked at our intertwined hands. "Of course. I have to go now.". "Love you.", he pecked my lips. "Love you too.". And so I made my way to italy. As usual it was an exceptionally boring trip so I decided to post something on Instagram.
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liked by maxverstappen1, martingarrix and 96.794 others
• Can you tell I'm obsessed with coffee☕️? currently on my way to the factory for some testing and simulator training. 📈 I'm really eager to get back in the car. 🏎 #WomeninF1 #scuderiatororosso #girlpower 🏋🏼♀️ • svandoorne: Tell me something new☕️🐸 brendon_hartley: hurry up 🚥 martingarrix: cute dianielricciardo: wait you left Monaco already????👀👀 scuderiafan: Good to see you're better! 😍🎉 Zwesperxverstappenfan: pretty❤️
I had to chuckled at Daniel's comment but then I saw that the Martin Garrix commented. I knew he was friends with Max but I was shocked that he knew who I was. I got a text right then and there.
Stoffel❤️: what is it with those freaking Dutch man trying to steal my girlfriend? 😂
Attached was a screenshot of Martin's comment.
Lin: Don't worry I prefer the Belgian guys❤️
That would keep him happy.
After what felt like forever I was finally in my flat in Faenza. I hated travelling here with a burning passion. But I guess that's what it takes to be in F1 and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I had to be at the factory in 20 mins so I jumped in my car, yes I own a normal road car, and drove there. „Carolin good to see you are better we all worried quite a lot.", I was greeted by Franz Tost. „Me too. But I'm better now.", I smiled. „We are having a meeting in 10. So please come to the office by then.", with that he left. What kind of meeting would be held in his office? I saw Brendon coming out of the simulator. „Hey Brendon!". „Hi! Good to see you are better!", he said in his thick New Zealand accent. „Yeah. So uhm I have a question. Franz just told me that I have a meeting in his office. Are you there too?", I questioned. „No. I mean as of now no. But don't worry I doubt it'll be something bad. So I need to go Ron needs me. See you.", with that he left.
I got to Franz' office at 12:10 sharp. One breath and I knocked on the door twice. „Come in.", a muffled voice was heard. When I stepped into the office I not only was greeted by Franz but also by Anais, Marcus, Kalle, Andy my manager and the one and only Helmut Marko. „Take a seat Carolin.", Franz said. I gulped and sat down. „First things first. Stopp worrying nothing bad is happening.", Andy calmed me down. „As you may have heard Pierre is gonna be promoted to Red Bull next season this means his spot on the team is permanently open.", Franz explained. „So now we have a proposition for you. How about a contract with Toro Rosso?", Franz grinned. My face must have been hilarious. „Excuse me?", I was gobsmacked. Here I was thinking I was going to get sacked and then they tell me this. „We want to offer you a one year contract with Toro Ross starting with next season.", this was the first time Helmut Marko said anything. „Das kann doch nicht wahr sein. (This can't be true).", I said to myself. „Doch. (It is.)", Helmut countered. Ok maybe not so to myself. „You still have your contract for the remainder of the season. And then next year if you accept you'll have a regular driver contract. Endorsement deals, all races, a secured spot on the team and so on. The first meeting with your and our attorneys is tomorrow.", Franz said. „I don't really know what to say. Thank you!", I smiled like a cheshire cat. „One more thing. This is confidential. No one can know. If any words gets out to the press it falls back on you.", Helmut said.
„You are gonna accept, aren't you?", Anais asked all giddy. „I mean yes. But if any other team is offering me a spot I'll look into it.", I answered truthfully. „I mean yes you should definitely do that. Who knows maybe Force India or Renault are looking for someone.", she was really excited. Anais was genuinely happy and excited for me and that's when I realised something. „You're gonna go with Pierre.", I stated. „Yes... You have to understand Red Bull is also a big chance for me.", she looked conflicted. „Hey! I don't blame you. I would do the same. At least it's kinda the same team so we will still see each other.", I bumped with her smiling.