I woke up in George's arms and felt the best I've felt in a long time. We were facing each other so I could see his face. He looked relaxed and so young. I couldn't resist the urge to trace his features with my fingers. "Creep", he mumbled and pulled me ever closer so our foreheads touched. "Good morning.", he whispered and pecked my lips. "Morning.", I smiled. "How long were you watching me for?", I felt him smirk. "Not long don't flatter yourself.", I said and tried to get out of bed.
"No stay.", George whined and pulled me against his body. "George...", he knew that I couldn't say no to cuddling and used it against me. "Just for a bit I promise I will let you go do whatever it is you need to do. I just want cuddles.", his eyes all big and his bottom lip pouting. "Ok", it's not like I had any self control around that boy anyways.
George put his arms around me and pulled me on top of him. "Thank you for yesterday.", the mumbled into my neck. "What for?",I asked genuinely wondering. "Being so honest. It means a lot.", he said running his hands through my hair.George eventually fell asleep again and I went downstairs.
"Ah there she is.", Lando called as he saw me enter his kitchen. "Good Morning.", I said and plopped down next to him. "So..", he said. "So?". "So you and George. I know it's not my place to ask but is this really what you want? Because the last time our friendship nearly didn't survive it when you guys broke up. And don't me wrong I am happy for you, but you seemed so invested in Max and now George comes along and it all changes.", Lando asked.
This was the question I was dreading. So much. "Uhm", I started, "so I know it was fast. And I know it seemed like he is just a rebound or something. And I also know that I thought Max really was it. But I can promise you I am sure that in this moment in time George is the one for me. It won't be like before.".
"Ok I believe you. On a happier note you are really cute", Lando said and I had to chuckle.It was a slow day and the four of us were thinking about what we can do. They wanted to golf but I was against that.
"So how about we go take a walk?", Alex announced while we were having breakfast. "Yes!", I jumped up from my seat in the kitchen and ran upstairs. "Linny wear something warm it's cold out!", George called after me. "Yeah ye-", I screeched and collided with a door. Ouch.
"Linny?", Lando called out. "Are you ok?", Alex questions. "Not too sure.", I moaned lying on the floor.
I heard them running up the stairs while I was still lying on the floor clutching my wrist.
"Damn. What happened?", Lando asked and I could see he was holding back a laugh. "I fell Sherlock.", I huffed. "Are you alright? Does your wrist hurt?", George asked caringly while crouching down to me. "It hurts.", I flinched when I tried to move it. "Should we go to the hospital?", Alex seemed worried. I felt George sit me up and stroking my back. "No don't worry. I think it's fine.", I said trying to hold back my tears. Truth be told I was scared to have injured my wrist. "Lando call an ambulance. Or no I'll drive her.", George said and picked me up. "We'll come too.", Lando said."Guys can we please just turn around? It's nothing.", I pleaded them sitting in George's Mercedes. "No can do. Your boyfriend was adamant about getting you to hospital and so I don't think you will be able to change that.", Alex said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at him. Of course I heard him accentuate boyfriend but I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of showing any reaction. "George?", I tried. "No. Lin it looks swollen and you nearly cried. Just let them get a x-ray and then we go home. We still got tea cakes.", he wouldn't budge. "Ok Mr. Overprotective. But if anyone even thinks about eating some of my tea cakes I will flip."
The hospital was kinda empty and so I was done really quickly. Luckily it was only a slight sprain and no cast or bandaging was necessary. I should just ice it for the remainder of the day and that's it. Of course George was relieved to hear it but he wasn't too convinced that they did really thoroughly check my hand. "I am just saying. I know a specialist we can forward the files to him and he will know.". Yeah like that is gonna happen.

away we go • formula 1
Fanfiction"It's lights out and away we go!" Carolin has never been more excited for a Grand Prix in her life. Starting the 2018 season as a test driver for Toro Rosso was already a dream come true. But after a terrible crash in Baku she gets the chance to dr...