bed hopping

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I woke up with arms wrapped around me and it felt really nice. I haven't slept this good in a while. "Goedemorgen schat", I heard Max say in a very deep voice. I smiled at him: "Guten Morgen." I felt him loosen his grip around me getting ready to leave the bed. "No stay. It's so warm and nice.", I moaned trying to keep him in bed. "I'd like to but I need to eat breakfast and get ready. We've got a flight to catch.", with that he went to the kitchen. "Wait what?!", I was certain my flight wasn't until the evening. I hopped out of bed and into the kitchen area. "What do you mean WE have a flight to catch?", I asked confusion written all over my face. "You are flying with Daniel and me.", he said as if this was planned all along. "Since when? I was under the impression that I'd fly back economy class with some people.", I was confused as hell. Did I get the flights mixed up or something? "Well Daniel wanted you with us - so you are.", he put the eggs he made on two plates and put one down in front of me. "Oh ok. Well it's certainly more comfortable than my shitty seat in the economy class.", I grinned and dug in. I looked over to Max taking a seat opposite me and saw him smile. „What?", I asked. „Nothing I'm just happy to see you happy again.", he said and devoured his eggs. 

„Ok how did you ever get all of this into your bag anyway?", Max asked and laughed at my struggles to close it. „I don't know. I swear it all fit when I left. I don't understand.", I sat on the bag in hopes of getting it to close. "Wait here I'll get you something.", Max left the room and came back with an empty bag. „Take this. It's by one of my sponsors. My stuff all fits in one bag and yours definitely doesn't .", he threw over a bag by g-star raw. "Thank you!!! You are my saviour.", I hugged him and started throwing clothes in the new bag. „Are you even finished with your own stuff?", I asked. „Yes all packed. And you need to hurry up because we leave in 15 minutes.", he said. How was he all packed already? He only left my room for like 20 minutes today. "Chill boy. I'll be ready", at least I hoped so.

We got to the plane and Daniel was already waiting with his personal trainer as well as mine and Max'. "Thank you for gracing us with your presence your highness.", Daniel bowed in front of me. "Did you hit him over the head with some weights?", I asked Michael his PT. "Sadly I think it's natural.", he chuckled. "Oh boy". Next thing I knew was in the air thrown over someone's shoulder. "Hey!", I screamed all I could see the persons bum. "Let me down Daniel!",I laughed. "How do you know I am Daniel?", he asked altering his voice. "I recognise the chicken ass.", I answered truthfully. With that I was dropped to the floor. Well that hurt, thanks Daniel.
"Michael I told you we need to do more squats! She called out my chicken ass.", Daniel bellowed through the plane. He really was worth his money.
"Let me help you.", Max took my hand and helped me up. "Thank you.", I stood directly in front of him and looked into his eyes. "Let's get this party started!", Kalle said and broke our eye contact.

I chose a seat by myself and started thinking about all of this. Of course I liked Max I mean this was my dilemma all along. But in reality I just broke up with my boyfriend who is also my best friend. To whom I once said that I was choosing him over Max. And now? It seems like I threw all of that out the window. Max and I should be mates and nothing more but yesterday night that was not like mates act. Not in the slightest. I needed to set some rules for myself as I didn't wann hurt me, Max and especially Stoffel.
Rule 1: No new relationship in the next two months
Rule 2: No playing with others feelings
Rule 3: Being honest with myself
Rule 4: No jealousy
Rule 5: Consult Lando at all times
Rule 6: Be respectful
Rule 7: It can't interfere with F1
I could probably write about 20 more but 7 ground rules seemed like a good foundation. Number 5 was needed since I have next to none female friends and I need support and Lando is perfect for that.
I looked out the window of the plane and saw mountains beneath us. How I love the mountains. Austria is full of them and skiing was the second best thing next to car racing. My family went on skiing trips every year. It was kind of an tradition for us. Lorenz, my mom and dad made sure that I could go every time. I haven't talked to either of them for some time but with this hectic schedule it was really hard.
I decided to post a picture on my instagram because I was a bit bored.

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I need a glass of milk 🥛

landonorris: when and where? 🥺
lorenzzwe: I'll bring some cookies 🍪
maxverstappen1: 🥛?
user763: What happened? 😢
caro_max_fan: I'll bring you some
danielricciardo: I've got some in the fridge
@danielricciardo Can I have it? 🥺
@carolin_zwe: If you play with us - yes!

It's not like we were sitting on the same plane. I looked at the picture and felt something sting. I heard some footsteps and looked up from my phone. "hey.", greeted Max. "Is everything alright?", he genuinely seemed concerned. "No. But I can't change that now. Don't worry.", I sighed. "Scoot over. We'll watch a movie.",I initially didn't move so he scooped me up and placed me on one end of  the sofa. "Max Verstappen Entertainment.", he just said at my confused expression.
Without talking we watched a whole movie and it kept me distracted. The credits begann rolling and I felt Max' weight on my shoulder. I looked over and saw him asleep. He looked so young. Or maybe not so young just as young as he is. Max always seems very mature when we are together.
According to the pilot we would be landing in about 40 minutes so I decided he could have his little nap and closed my eyes just for a second.

"Caro... Max... wake up. We have landed.", I heard a faint voice. I moaned and rubbed my eyes before trying to open them. I felt something or rather someone shift next to me. "Wakey wakey.", Daniel was stood there. "Hurry up. The guys are already waiting outside.".
Without any spoken conversation we exited the private jet. "Sleeping beauty is back under the living.", Kalle joked. "Ha.Ha.", I hated being woken up. "Stop being grumpy or I'll leave you here.", Daniel said. Like I couldn't catch another ride Ricciardo.
Kalle, Jake and Michael all went their ways so that left our little trio. "I'm guessing you don't have a car here?", Daniel asked on the way to the private car park. "No. Can one of you take me?", I asked still not in the best mood. "I'll take you.", Max immediately offered which earned him a dirty glance of Daniel. "Thank you."
We said our goodbyes  to Daniel and went our way. "Let me take that bag. You look like you're struggling a lot.", Max said and took one. "What a gentleman.", I joked. „I try.", he took out his keys and opened the Aston Martin in front of us.
"So are you gonna stay with Stoffel?", Max asked as we exited the parking lot. „uhm... I actually haven't thought about it.", I said truthfully. My face must have given away that I was panicking. Where should I stay? Staying with Stoffel would be weird but I don't have another place. And going to a hotel seemed really over the top. "If you need a place to stay I have a spare room.", Max offered. I'm sure it was just a friendly offer but I really couldn't do that. Or could I?

"Thank you for letting me stay.", I said as I walked through his apartment door. "Of course.", he took my bags. "What did you tell Stoffel?". "That we'd talk about it tomorrow. I just didn't wanna stay there with all this unresolved stuff.", I sighed. "Sounds good. So I was actually planning on going to bed early today so I'm sorry if you need entertainment. The room has an en-suite bathroom and towels and all that jazz are in the cupboards under the sink. If you need anything else just knock on my door.". "Thank you Daniel.", I hugged him. "No biggie squirt. Anytime you need it.", he pressed a kiss onto my hair and left for his room.

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