My alarm woke me up at 7:00 and I was grumpy already. I got ready for my training session with Kalle and drank a little smoothie beforehand. I would have breakfast at the track in our big Toro Rosso motorhome.
"Let's go. We are on a tight schedule.", Kalle called out when he saw me. We only did some light stuff in the gym of the hotel. But Kalle was really strict and corrected my every movement. "You are annoying Kalle.", I complained while holding a plank. "You won't complain when you do well in the races.", that was his comment every time I complained.
After our session I showered and got ready to leave for the track. Sofie was already in our car and we drove to the circuit. "So you have no interviews today. Only the media pen and after the qualifying they want you for the sky lap analysis. You will go with Lando.", she told me about what the day had in store for me. It sounded alright.
I went through security and spied Daniel. "Dan!", I called out. He fortunately stopped walking and came right over. Due to Netflix filming drive to survive we had film crews everywhere and had to be vary of what we talk about and where we do it but I just had to speak to him about Max. "Hiya squirt!", he said an gave me a big grin. "I need to talk to you about something can you join me for breakfast at Toro Rosso?", I kept it as cryptic as can be. He looked at me weirdly but agreed nevertheless."So why the mystery?",Daniel asked when we sat down and I had my granola in front of me. "Have you talked to him?", I asked without beating around the bush. "No but you apparently have,", he answered seriously. "Dan he is suffering. Just walk up to him and hug it out. You're both miserable I can see it. He was just hurt when he said those things in Abu Dhabi.", I tried to explain the situation to him. "I know and to be honest I deserved Abu Dhabi. It's just... I ruined our friendship.", Daniel did appear sad about the whole situation. "You didn't I can promise you. Just walk up to him, hug him and explain. I can't have a Maxiel falling out.", I smiled at him. "You two seemed to have a good talk then.", Dan changed the direction of our talk. "Yes we did.", I smiled. "That's good. He needs you as his friend you make him way more bearable.", Dan said and stood up to leave the building. "Promise you will talk to him before we leave Australia?", I called after him. "I will. ", he say and jogged out of the motorhome.
FP3 was good. "Tell Markus and his team that they are geniuses the car feels so much better.", I transmitted after driving just 4 rounds. The changes made overnight improved the car by a lot. "They are happy to hear that.", Luca transmitted back.
Finally I felt like I could push the car and could put my trust in it.
After FP3 I had the 5 fastest lap time which was a major improvement from yesterday when we stumbled around P12. "Great session Caro!", I was told when I got back into the garage. "Thanks guys but you are a big part of this.", I praised the mechanics. "They are right. Tremendous job. You were faster than both Ferraris.", Luca smiled at me. "That's something I like to hear.", I smiled.I went to my motorhome for my massage. Kalle would come any moment and torture me. I don't know how anyone like massages. For me personally they just hurt like hell and I gotta keep myself from screaming most of the time. They did help with my neck though so I still got them. "Ready to get kneaded?", Kalle came bursting in. "Please let's get this over with.", I huffed.
"Ahhh!", I screamed. "You feel that? That's all cramped up. Hold still I gotta get this loose.", Kalle explained but all I could focus on was the obliterating pain. "Damn that's hurts so bad.", I complained. "I know just a few more moments.", he did feel for me I guess but he still had to do his job.
"All done.", he concluded after 10 more minutes hell. "Thanks. I'll take a walk around the paddock I need to walk this experience off.", I joked and left my motorhome.The paddock was full of people and everyone was excited for the first qualifying of the season. "Hi Carolin!", Chalres said as I walked past him. "Hi how have you been?", I asked the Monegasque. "I've been good. Promoted to Ferrari and all.", he had the biggest grin on his face. "Yes that's really exciting. Did you have a nice break?", I liked Charles he was one of the people on the grid that I got along with quiet well. "Yes I did. And you? I mean look at you full time Toro Rosso driver that's really exciting, no?", he did seem genuinely excited. "Yes it's great. I'm really grateful I got this opportunity.", I smiled. "Ah they would be stupid not to sign you. You are really good.", he complimented me. "Thanks but so are you."
After a few more minutes of chatter I walked further up the paddock and met a few more drivers.
Lando and Alex were joking around and living their best life. George and Robert were in their garage trying to save whatever dignity Williams had to save. I saw Max close to his garage but as I walked over to him I noticed that he looked stressed and wasn't to sure if I should talk to him. Sadly Bradley Scanes his performance coach noticed me and waved me over. "Hey Carolin. Nice to see you again.", he said as I stepped over to them. "Yes nice indeed.", I smiled uncomfortably. "I was actually just finished talking to Max so I'll leave you two to it.", he walked away.
"Sorry about that.", .Max said. "No don't worry. I wasn't sure if I even should come over you looked stressed.", I admitted. He looked at me with a look I've not seen from him yet. "Yes but don't worry. You can always come over.", he seemed out of it. I looked around and pulled him behind a container in the paddock.
"Max what happened? Yesterday evening you were fine and now you walk around like this?",I questioned him. "It's stupid.", he tried to shake it off. "Try me.". "They expect a lot from me this season. They expect the championship. It's already getting to me and we haven't even started the season.", he admitted,"I have no one to talk to in the team anymore and I've just realised what I've truly lost Daniel.". "Oh Max. I know that whatever I say it'll not ease your nerves but I can promise you this thing between you and Dan it's gonna be resolved soon. And if you need a pep talk or anything really just talk to me. I might need one myself once in a while but according to Lando I give really great pep talks and advice.", I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug because so felt like he needed one. "Thanks. I needed that.", he said after the hug. "Me too. I gotta go now. But if you are still in a mood tonight you are welcome to join our game night.", I told him and left for the Toro Rosso garage."You ready?",Luca asked. "Born ready.", I answered. "So our goal is Q3 anything above P7 is great.", he told me. "Ok I'll do my best.", I said and hopped in the car. "You know I love the halo but getting in sure was a lot easier before.", I complained to Sofie. "You know if you had a scrawny chicken butt it would be easier.", Kalle joked. "Again don't joke about my butt. Just because yours is the a prime example you don't have to mock mine."I joked.
I got seated and check my steering wheel. Let me tell you this thing was the most confusing thing in F1.
Qualifying went well I got P6 which was better than we expected. I could see the team moral increasing and it started to feel like the team I've grown to love before. "Really good Quali. Thanks for the great feedback it helped improve the car a lot.", Markus came up to me. "Sure. All I want is for us all to succeed. A team is more than just their drivers. I know that. And if there is tension please come and talk to me next time rather than being rude and agitated the whole time.", I winked and left the garage.
Sofie was waiting for me to go to the media pen and then afterwards I could leave.
Game night today in my room at 6pm. :) ~ me
I sent Max this message.meanwhile our group chat escalated quite a bit
So we can habe it in my room. 6 pm don't be late@lando ~ me
Great 👌🏻 ~ Alex 🐱
Rude. I'll bring some snaccs (apart from me of course)~ milk boi🥛
Thank you babe ~ George 🤍
Eww stop it you two. We don't wanna see you getting all over each other tonight~ milkboi 🥛
Especially now that we have an extra guest. Get a grip ✌🏻~ Alex 🐱
Who did you invite? ~ George 🤍
Firstly it was your girlfriend. Secondly Max. ~ milkboi🥛
She was being nice though. Max has basically no friends.~ Alex 🐱
I am friends with him 🥺~ milkboi 🥛
Why didn't you invite him then? ~ Alex 🐱
Because I didn't know we could? doN'T aT mE ~ milkboi 🥛
He looks really sad without Daniel. 🙁~ Alex 🐱
I hope they get that fixed quickly. I need my daily dose of maxiel. They give me serotonin.~ milkboi 🥛
W t f Lando~ me
It's nice that he's joining.~ George 🤍
Yeah George definitely isn't all too happy about Max coming round later.

away we go • formula 1
Fanfiction"It's lights out and away we go!" Carolin has never been more excited for a Grand Prix in her life. Starting the 2018 season as a test driver for Toro Rosso was already a dream come true. But after a terrible crash in Baku she gets the chance to dr...