The Prince and the Practice Game Part 2

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"Kise!" The said blonde stopped in front of the team and greeted with a light wave of his hand.

"This place is big, so I thought I'd come get you."

"Hello." Riko bowed at him in greeting.

"Kise, hey!" Kagami called out to him, but the blond plainly ignored him and instead skipped towards Kuroko, face beaming.

"Kurokocchi, ever since you turned down my invitation to join us, I've been crying into my pillow every night." Hiroto, again, twitched a bit as Kise rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wipe off imaginary tears. There's no doubt about it, the blonde's actions was making his skin crawl.

"What's wrong with him?" Hiroto whispered to himself.

"Just show us the way." Kagami grumbled impatiently and a bit irritated at being ignored. But of course, Kise continued what he was doing as if he hadn't heard them.

"Not even a girl has turned me down before." The blonde grumbled dejectedly.

"Could you please stop being so sarcastic?" Kuroko stared blankly at him. Kise's eyes narrowed a bit at that and he smirked.

"Maa, I'm interested to know more about the guys who is making Kurokocchi say those things." Now, Kise turned to both Hiroto and Kagami, passed them both. Hiroto maintained eye contact with the blond. "I don't care much about being called the Generation of Miracles, but I can't ignore such an obvious challenge." Kagami raised a brow at him.

"I'm not mature enough to let it slide. Sorry, but I'm going to crush you both with everything I have."

"Sounds good." Kagami smirked at the obvious challenge while Hiroto snorted, crossing his arms over his chest.

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