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"It doesn't matter how amazingly you play against us." Kise could only watch as the ball is snatched by Izuki. "We're trying to let you through!" and they earned another score.

"Nice shot!"

"Damn it, a simple double team would've been better." Kasamatsu grumbled.

'Not even Kise can react in time to an invisible guy coming up behind him' Riko smiled in thought.

"I just won't run by you, then. No one said I couldn't shoot a three pointer!" Kise moved in position for a three pointer but luck was not on his side as Kagami smacked the ball right away.

'They got me," Kise thought. "Kurokocchi's covering below, and Kagami's covering up top.'

'An outside shot takes too much movement. These guys are a pain! Kuroko's the one making this happen. He's the most worthless guy on the court, and he can't do anything by himself, but…I don't believe this!' Kasamatsu cursed.

"Fast break!" Kagami dashed off to go after the ball. Hiroto stood when Kise turned as fast as he could as well, intent to follow after the redhead but Hiro's orange eyes widened as he shouted.

"Kuroko-kun! Watch out!" His voice as well as the sound of Kise's hand meeting Kuroko's forehead echoed throughout the gym as everyone's eyes turned upon the blue-haired teen slumping down the floor. Hiroto cursed loudly.

"Referee time out!"

"Kuroko!" the said teen looked up, blood ran down the side of his face dripping down unto his uniform and stained it.

"Are you okay, Kuroko?" Hyuuga worriedly went towards the teen, inspecting the injury.

"I feel lightheaded..." he replied nonchalantly, despite the blood that was oozing out the wound on his forehead.

"Get the first aid kit!" Riko ordered and the other first years rushed to get what she wanted. Kagami followed suit and went to see Kuroko.

"Are you okay?" he asked, worry visible upon his features. Kuroko turned to the redhead as Hyuuga let his head go.

"I'm fine. The game is just getting started." Before anyone else can react, a blur of orange caught the invisible player before he collapsed into the floor again.



"Hiro!" Hyuuga and Kagami stared as Hiroto caught the invisible teen in his arms. The other players stared wide eyed at him. How the heck did he get over there so fast!?

'Ichinose?' the Kaijou coach blinked at the name. Where had he heard that name before? It seemed really familiar.

Even Riko didn't realize that the orange-haired male had left her side. Hiroto lifted the blunette in his arms, carrying him in his arms, keeping a close eye at his injury with narrowed eyes.

Basketball Prince (Male Oc in KNB)Where stories live. Discover now