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I'll be using numbers from now on

"Kagami's powerless against Kise, but his weakness is..." Hyuuga started.

"Aside from passing, the weakest guy on the court, Kuroko-kun?" Riko supplied with wide eyes.

"So? It's true Kurokocchi's style is the only one I can't imitate. But what does that change?" Kise smirked at Kagami, before the redhead can answer, the whistle blew and the referee announced the end of the first quarter, giving them a two minute break.

"It changes everything. We'll bring you to tears in the second quarter." Kagami smirked, leaving behind the blonde.


Seirin: 27

Kaijo: 35

Hiroto stared at the score. An eight point difference. He heard the other coach scream something again to his team, but he could care less about him right now and just focused upon Taiga's suggestion.

"I see. Yeah, that could work." Riko nodded with a knowing grin.

"It looks like you've finally cooled down, Taiga." Hiroto smiled at the redhead, who raised a brow at him and he clearly was about to say that he was not—

"You were really pissed!" Both Izuki and Hyuuga stated before he could even say it out loud.

"But Kuroko-kun and Kagami-kun, your coordination will be the key. Can you do it?" Hiroto stared at the redhead's expression and snickered. As if the thought of coordinating with the blue-haired teen left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Well, we...we'll work—" Kagami flinched when Kuroko thrust his fingers up his rib. The redhead clutched his side in pain and growled.

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