The Prince Shows Part 3

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"Thank you for your purchase!" Hiroto gave the lady a heartwarming smile as he thanked her. The lady behind the counter dreamily sighed. They were having dinner at Magi Burger again since Taiga obviously loved their burgers and Hiroto just indulged him. They made their way into their usual seat, Hiroto's orange eyes met with shining blue eyes of the person on the other side of the table and he grinned, choosing not to say anything to Kagami as he sat down.

"I can't believe he just got mad over a little shouting." Kagami eagerly grabbed one into the burger, unwrapping it to take a big bite out of it before—

"I didn't even finish, and I got in trouble, too." Kagami turned to the source of the voice and his eyes widened at the sight of Kuroko casually sipping his vanilla shake. Kagami quickly gulped down his food as to prevent him from choking. Hiroto just snickered in the background.

"You again? And what are you laughing at Hiro? Don't tell me you noticed him even before I did?! How come you can see this guy so easily, huh?" Now, Hiroto caught Kuroko's attention. It seemed it has been in his mind for awhile now as he can see from the way Kuroko's light-blue eyes glinted. It confused Kagami as well, how the hell did he notice him before Kagami had the chance to even know he was there?

Even before Kagami can notice the blue-haired teen, Hiroto is already aware of him and just refuse to tellhim because of his sadistic nature of wanting to see that shocked look on the redhead's face.

"Hm," Hiroto thoughtfully grasped his chin as if he was really thinking about what to answer, seeing both of their eager faces, he inwardly grinned.

"Well, maybe because I have awesome eyes?" Hiroto chuckled when Kagami glared at him for not taking this seriously. But Kuroko seem to have got his message as he stared directly into those light-orange eyes. Hiroto smiled at him.

Kuroko just can't help but think that Hiro is giving out cryptic messages, because the way he looked sometimes kind of reminds him of a certain blond-haired member of the Kiseki no Sedai. But of course, Hiro was not as annoying as that person. Well...kind of.

Kuroko could tell they were really close, the way Hiro just loved tease the redhead and the tiger retaliates with glares and calling him names. The two of them seem to look like brothers to anyone else's eyes.

"Enough of that, geez." Kagami seems to be already frustrated now with Hiro's jokes and chose to ignore him and turned to Kuroko.

"By the way, why didn't you go to some big name school like the other five guys? You were good enough to be known as the phantom sixth member. Is there some reason you play basketball?" Now that was an interesting question. Hiroto's countenance immediately changed into that one of a serious one, making Kuroko blink a bit at the sudden change.

Because now, like Kagami, Hiroto looked as curious as the red-haired tiger. Kuroko concluded Hiroto has some sort of a split personality, which eerily reminded him again of a certain old teammate of his, he may look quite cheerful on the outside but behind that mask hides a darker shade of himself that just waited to be let out. The light-blue haired teen took another sip of his vanilla shake before he answered.

"My middle school's basketball team had one core principle. Winning is everything." Both Kagami and Hiroto now listened more attentively at his words now. "Instead of teamwork, we needed to push the individual talents of the Generation of Miracles to win. Nothing could beat us, but we weren't a team. The five of them approved, but I felt we lacked something important."

"So, what? Are you gonna beat the Generation of Miracles your own way?" asked Kagami.

"That's what I was thinking."


"Your words, Ichinose-kun and the coach's words really struck me. Now, my biggest reason to play is trying to make you and our team the best in Japan."

"We're not going to try, Kuroko-kun." Hiroto smiled at him.

"We're gonna be the best." Kagami supplied the next words. Kuroko felt his heart soar at those words.

To Be Continued...

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