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"No. 4's really going for it." Kaijou's Koji Kobori commented.

"We should be worried about Kagami. He and Kuroko have started passing back and forth to each other." Kasamatsu narrowed his eyes.

"Kagami's just passing the ball instead of receiving it. Does it really change that much?"

"It changes a whole lot, dumbass! Kuroko's passing and Kagami's one-on-one were two separate offensive patterns. They only had two options. But now that they pass to each other, they both have more option, making their offense stronger." Kasamatsu huffed.

'And Kise cannot copy Kuroko, the linchpin of the play. It's his bane. Not bad, Taiga, Kuroko-kun!' Hiroto grinned but as soon as he saw the redhead comically bounced the ball to the ground behind him and realized Kuroko did not do anything to catch it. It just bounced off and chased after by a Kaijo regular.

'Uh, they'll probably just barely make it.' Hiro sweat dropped.

"...Kurokocchi." Kise is panting heavily now, looking at the blue-haired teen with narrowed eyes.

"Kise-kun, you're strong. I'm powerless, and Kagami-kun can't stand against you. But when we work together, we have a fight chance." said Kuroko.

"You really have changed, Kurokocchi. We never played basketball like this at Teiko, but you still can't stop me. I will be the winner!" Kise declared. Hiroto could faintly see sparks of lightning circulating the trio now; they are really more fired up at this point now. Hiroto could feel his whole self burn in anticipation, for some reason he suddenly wants to play basketball now.

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