Chapter 3:The Prince Shows

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'Oh my god! Is he okay?'

'How can he be okay? He was just—'

'It's all your fault!'

'How can it be my fault!? He was the one who was stupid enough to—'

'Guys! This is not the time to be arguing! The doctor's coming—we have to ask how he's doing!'

'He's right. We have to make sure he's...'

Hiroto's orange eyes snapped open, groaning as he sat up and rubbed his head in frustration. He eyed his arm, clenching and unclenched his hand. Everything is fine now; he had absolutely nothing to worry about.

His eyes fluttered close at the light that slipped through the leaves of the tree he was taking refuge in and then his attention is caught by loud squealing and he looked up at the second floor, seeing girls pointing and waving at him excitedly. His lips lifted into a gentle smile and the crowd of girls swooned at the sight. He laughed a bit. They were so cute.

His eyes then caught red hair, and a curious brow was raised.



"A game?" You can't play yet." Hyuuga repeated againfor the red-haired tiger cause it seemed he had trouble understanding what he just said to him.

"What? Why, captain? Am I not good enough?" Kagami asked, confused as to why he can't simply play in an official match yet. He was looking forward to it too.

"Ah, it's not like that. It's just you're still a trial member. You're not an official member yet." Kagami's brow twitch at that. What the heck?


"Coach!" Riko spluttered her drink right at Kagami's face. The redhead wiped the sticky liquid away and slammed his hands on the brunette's table earning curious stares from Riko's classmates.

"Coach, give me an official club membership form."

"What? You too?" Riko raised a brow.

"Too?" She nodded when Kagami had this confused look on his face. Riko explained that earlier, Hiroto and Kuroko came to her and asked her for the same thing. What was with these three today?

"Huh? Hiro asked as well? That bastard, he didn't tell me again." Kagami could already imagine that orange-haired sly look and giving out a teasing swore he was going to smack his fist against that Prince's head.

"Just how impatient are you rascals?"

"What did you call me?" Riko ignored his question and instead, reached under her table and handed him over a form.

"Well, you three have potential and we've got room on the bench, so we'd be happy to have you." Kagami grabbed the form and smiled.

"Now I can play in a game, right?" He turned to leave the room before Riko stopped him, stating that she'll only accept the form on Monday at exactly 8:40 on the roof, which left the Tiger confused at her request, especially with she had this really creepy smile on her face.

o Be Continued...

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