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"You bastard, what did you do that for?!"

"You want to beat Kise-kun, don't you?" Kagami frowned at him, before he turned and did the exact same thing to the blue-haired teen, thrusting his fingers up his rib as revenge.

"Of course I do!" Hiroto can't help but chuckle at their childish behaviors.

"Well, then. Take care of our counterattack!"

"Let the second quarter begin!" There is lot of cheering for Kaijo now, but it didn't stop the other first years to cheer for their team as well. The game went on as both team scored and scored one after another. If Kaijou scores a point, Seirin took it all back, determined not to let their score fall behind.

Seirin: 29

Kaijo: 39

'Kaijo's defense is still man to man.' Hyuuga passed the ball to Izuki who in turn passed it to Kagami who is being marked by Kise.

"Something's changed, right?" Kagami chose to ignore the blonde's statement and ran while dribble the ball on his left side, with Kise catching up on his right.

'Just another drive? Maybe another fadeaway?' Kise intently observed, waiting the redhead to do something but Kagami swiftly shifted the ball to his right and bounced it off the ground behind him, leaving Kise to stare after the ball only to catch Kuroko's hand meet the ball and just as easily, bounced it off into another side of the ground beside the blond, falling right into the redhead's hands.

'He's coordinating with Kurokocchi!' Kise is left there wide-eyed and the redhead went off to make another score for the team.

Seirin: 31

Kaijo: 39

"Nice shot!" The others cheered.

Kagami had the ball again, dribbling in front Kise before bouncing the ball to the ground to the side.

'Again? It won't work this time!' Kise thought as he turned to follow the redhead as he went past him only to realize Kuroko had passed the ball towards Hyuuga instead and scored a three-pointer for the team.

"All right! A three pointer!"

"A five point gap!"

Seirin: 34

Kaijo: 39

Basketball Prince (Male Oc in KNB)Where stories live. Discover now