Chapter 1: The Prince Promises

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"All right, looks like all the first years are here!" Hiroto couldn't contain his smile as he glanced around the gymnasium of the school. Seirin Private High School really lived up to his expectations, it is spacious and clean, as it is new and well-managed. Today, the Basketball Club is having their very first meeting.He eyed the first years with him and caught sight of a familiar red hair. He observed it a little more closely before his orange eyes widened in realization. Isn't that—? Hiroto couldn't help but keep a snicker from falling out, it's him isn't it? This isn't merely a coincidence to meet him here. He chose to keep quiet for a moment; he would love to see his reaction later.As he surveyed everything around him, he caught sight of another familiar hair, a light-bluish one. Hiroto pursed his lips, wasn't that the little kid he...?

Hiroto's musing is cut off when he heard a light smack of fists hitting hard heads and he turned his attention towards two first years groaning in pain, clutching their heads as the captain, Hyuuga crossed his arms over his chest muttering 'Morons, you got it wrong.' along the way."I'm the boys' basketball club coach, Aida Riko. Nice to meet you." Riko-senpai introduced herself with a smile that sent the other first years reeling in shock and disbelief. Hiroto stifled his laughter with his hands, even more so when the first years asked if the coach wasn't the old man sitting on the corner of the gym. It turned out he was just their advisor Takeda-sensei. It's just pretty hilarious. But it didn't just end there, especially when Riko asked them to strip their shirts off. Now that even surprised the orange-haired male. Well, okay, if that's what she wanted.A few moments later, everyone was stripped off of their shirts and stood in line. Hiroto glanced at his right and left and frowned, from what he had observed, these players are a little bit...

"Your ability to move instantaneously is a little weak. I bet you do 50 side jumps in 20 seconds, don't you? You'll need to do a little better for the basketball team." Hiroto smiled in awe at his senpai's observations, ignoring the first year's reaction to her every observation, as if they couldn't believe that she got them all right and he snorted. So she had those eyes, as you would expect of a coach.

Hiroto's smirk couldn't get any wider when she stopped in front of him. She couldn't take her eyes off of him as she continued to blatantly roamed her eyes all over his body. She only snapped from her trance when Hyuuga asked what she was staring at so intently. He bets she couldn't see his potential, for only his eyes have the ability to do so. Hiroto couldn't help but feel proud of his—

"Hiroto-kun?" he heard the coach call his name. "Is Ichinose Hiroto-kun here?" Finally stepping in front of everyone, Hiroto waves a hand at his senpai with a wide and excited smile."Yes, I'm here, Aida-senpai." Hiroto could practically feel the surprised stare of his red haired friend when he turned towards him with a teasing grin. Oh god, that look on his face! Hiroto can't help but want to laugh out loud at his reaction.

"Hey, Taiga! It's been a long time!" he greeted cheekily, and in English. Hiroto could feel all the stares now directed to them as well as Kagami Taiga's accusing finger finally pointed at him in shock, excitement as well as awe, but mostly — he looked really really shocked. After all, it has been a long time since they last saw each other. Taiga seemed to have finally got his mouth to work before he shouted in a weird accent.

"HIRO? What are you doing here?!" Everyone beside the redhead flinched as his thundering voice echoed throughout the entire gym. They stared incredulously at the two, it seemed they know each other and why the heck are they both speaking in English? And they are quite good at it too. Hiroto merely let out a hearty laugh and pushed an index finger over his lips in a shushing motion."Hush Taiga, you are being too loud. I'll explain everything to you later, m'kay?" Hiroto smiled gently, hoping to calm the redhead and it seemed to work when the raging tiger scratched his head in frustration and nodded, muttering "You better." and his eyes remained glued to Hiroto's as if expecting that they would really talk it out later. Everyone held their breaths at the scene. Just who was this guy? And how the hell was he able to calm the wild tiger with just one smile? Was the question in everyone's heads but that was to be answered for later now they had other matters to attend to. Hiroto now turned to his senpai, Riko.

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