The Prince Shows Part 5

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Meanwhile, Hiroto felt his skin prickle at an unknown source as he watched Kagami make a quick turn against Izuki and jumped, slamming the ball into the hoop with force.

"Nice shot! Kagami!" As usual, everyone is awed; throwing him praises here and there. Hiroto caught the ball, turned and saw Kagami crouch in front of him, arms splayed out in a defensive position and grinned as if a wild tiger just found an interesting prey.

"I challenge you to a one-on-one, Hiro!" Kagami challenged, and the orange-haired boy's eyes widened. Everyone's turned towards Kagami.

"Eh? A one-on-one with Ichinose-kun?" Furihata stared wide-eyed at the sight.

"Really? Can we see Ichinose finally play?" Kawahara's glinted in delight.

"Ohhh?! This is awesome!" Fukuda fist-pumped. They were as excited as the upperclassmen that now watched the scene in awe.

Hyuuga contemplated the situation silently, for he was as curious as the others about Hiroto's basketball skills. He didn't understand why the coach, Riko chose to just have the orange-haired teen to have his own training regimen, maybe she saw something from the teen that she didn't from the others? If so, what could it be?

Kuroko stared blankly as ever at the sudden development as he remembered Hiroto's cryptic message that day. He could not forget the look on the orange-haired teens face when he said it.

'Then, you'll just have to wait and see for yourself, Kuroko-kun.' Kuroko can't help but anticipate, for Hiroto is still full of mysteries that he has yet to show.

"Are you sure, Taiga? You think you can beat me?" Hiroto had this usual grin on his face but the others can't help but there was more to it than that. Kagami shuddered at the look on his friend's face. It has been a long time since he had seen that expression.

There was only one time when he had seen it, and it was at the time in America when Hiroto is challenged by some street thugs when they saw the orange-haired Prince practicing in an unused court (the redhead was only passing by coincidentally) and claiming they'd own him in a one-on-one match. Kagami sure as hell was shocked at the outcome of that match though, Hiroto easily won without much effort, and it was an one-on-four match.

Kagami, as he himself hated to admit it, he had never been able to beat Hiroto in a one-on-one match ever. Also he had never even seen Hiroto go all out and he was already good enough without using his full power.

Kagami knew that Hiroto was hiding his skills, he had never shown it towards the redhead even at the times when they played street basketball in America together. But now, Kagami wanted nothing more than to make the orange-haired teen show his true potential.

"I'll beat you this time, Hiro! Bring it on!"

'Well, it wouldn't be too bad if I show a little something.' Hiroto bowed his head, covering his eyes with his fringe but took a sharp glance at his arm. Let see if it holds out. He gets ready, taking the ball in his right hand and began dribbling.

Everyone held their breaths at the moment, watching the two with in anticipation, even Kuroko's attention is drawn towards the two.

Let's see it then, the outcome of the match, the Tiger vs. the Prince.

Kagami's muscles tensed, sensing that something is not right. His red eyes met glowing orange ones and he shivered. Hiroto, he looked ready to spring. Kagami moved to intercept as his instinct tells him to. He rushed to the right to avoid getting the orange-haired Prince pass but to the redhead's surprise—

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