The Primce and the Practice Match

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Another Long One :)

"What — What is this?" Riko stared wide-eyed at the game.

"What's with this high-paced play?" Koganei asked as well from beside Hiroto. The orange-haired teen maintained a blank expression at the scene. It's only been three minutes since they started.

'It's like they're beating each other without bothering to guard.' Riko thought. 'The defense is doing everything it can, but both teams' offenses are just too strong.'

'So, this is a clash of the Generation of Miracles huh...'Hiroto buried his chin on his hand in thought, taking everything that's happening with his sharp eyes. The other four players are just as intense as Kise, he could see the upperclassmen are also having quite a difficult time against them too. Also, if it weren't for Kagami and Kuroko, they would've won the game already.

Hiroto caught Kuroko passing the ball off to Kagami and the redhead dashed towards the other teams' hoop with Kise catching up closely beside him. Kagami quickly jumped to do a fadeaway and released the ball. Kise intercepted and caught the ball and run again towards the other side of the court. This time as Kagami went to block him; the blonde player jumped and did another fadeaway just like the redhead did.

'A fadeaway? He's copying me again?' Kagami thought as he watched the blonde release the ball and scored a point. 'And he keeps getting better!' The redhead gritted his teeth in annoyance. Hiroto frowned as he watched the redhead's reaction; he's getting too hot again.

"Don't stop, move your feet!" Hyuuga called out to them.

For the first time since the start of the game, Hiroto took his eyes off the scene and turned towards Riko, suggesting something what is on his mind for a while now. Riko understood his reasons and nodded.

"Seirin, time out!" and the whistle blew.

Hiroto handed the towel over to Kuroko, who took it from his hands and wiping his sweat with it. He turned and gave Kagami water. He observed their condition right now. They're way too tired for playing just five minutes. Riko seemed to be thinking the same just at the concerned look upon her face. It's not unreasonable. They've been switching between offense and defense at an absurd rate.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hiroto took a glance as the other teams' coach shouted in frustration.

"How many points are you gonna let them take? Is the defense asleep? Huh?" Hiroto snorted at that. He turned away and now focused more upon Riko's plan.

"We'll have to deal with Kise-kun first."

"I can't believe Kagami can't handle the guy himself. Should we put another guy on him?" Hyuuga suggested. Kagami looked scandalized at that.

"Hey, wait...Please." Hiroto blinked at the redhead's sudden politeness. It seemed strange to him that Kagami went all polite all of a sudden and it surprised him a bit.

"No, there is a way." Kuroko spoke, turning all attention to him. "It's because, they have a weakness."

"A weakness?" Riko asked.

"What? You should've told us sooner."

"No, to be honest, I'm not even sure you could call it a weakness. Either way, I'm sorry. There's another problem. Because of the unexpectedly high-paced play, my effectiveness is already wearing off." Everyone's eyes widened at the new information.

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