Ch.31 : Happy Late First Monthsary!!!

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Gulf's POV

Khun phi rests on my laps. He uses my thighs as his pillow. I stroke his hair. I sigh in relief. Now, I can be calm. Everything will surely be better after this. But, why is it so hot here?

"Baby, are you okay? You look pale..."

"I-I'm okay, phi..."

"Okay, then..."

Khun phi adjusts his head again. It hits mine. "Hngg...", I bite my lips. Why my body is so sensitive? Is the drug still in bloodstream? Wait... Don't tell me...

"K-k-khun phi, what date is today?"


My eyes widen. Oh, no! I was right! And, I forget to tell khun phi about this. But, I'm too shy to tell him. This is not good. I need to stop this before it's too late.

"What's wrong, baby? Is there something wrong?", I nod.

"Yes, phi. This is disaster!", khun phi frowns.

"What disaster?"

"I'm in trouble! I have to go to bathroom!"

Once khun phi sits up a bit, I run to bathroom and look at my reflection. My face is really red. I need to get out. Think of a solution, Gulfie~ Aha! I know! I wash my face and change my clothes. After that, I immediately get out with my backpack.

"Khun phi~ I'll go to my uni for a while~", I almost succeed to run away but...

"Waitttt~ Phi will drop you there~"

"Ohhhh~ No need, phi~ I'll go by myself... Bye-bye!"

Again. Khun phi makes my mission failed. He holds my wrist. I look at him. He makes a cute face and pouts.

"Where is my goodbye kiss?"

I roll my eyes. I quickly peck his lips and run away after that. This won't get easy. I should find activity until night.

Author's POV

Mew continues watching his movie peacefully. He really has no idea with something Gulf going through now. He only thinks that Gulf in hurry because of his final project.

At the same time, the baby boy really ends up in university. He helps his professor with some files and also finds resources for his final project. He is too focused with it until he doesn't notice surrounding. It has been dark outside there. He only realizes it when the library almost closes. As the announcement resonates in the whole library, Gulf packs his stuffs and gets out.

"Hungry...", he rubs his tummy.

To fill his stomach, he goes to a café near his university. He orders so many foods. Even the waiter is shocked on how much he orders. In no time, the whole table is covered with many kind of this. Gulf immediately ravishes them. It doesn't take a long time until the food is completely transferred into his stomach. He leans against the chair. He rubs his tummy as it feels so full. He takes his phone. It turns out he got so many calls from his khun phi. He immediately checks the chat, but it makes him pout.

"Why do you have to go for a mission on your day off, huh? And also, why your mission is so long? Does it really have to take 5 days?", he talks to his phone.

"But... It's good then! So, I don't need to meet him until this stupid body becomes normal again."


Mew's POV

Ugh... Five days were too long. I pout. I've been missing my baby so much. He must feel lonely because I've gone for a while. We were really busy with our own task. Because of that, we barely talk to each other even from chat. But, it's okay now. I'll meet him soon. I park my car and immediately go to our condo. I'm really excited.

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