Ch. 43 : My Clumsy-Genius Boy

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Gulf's POV

I sit in the waiting room. Our wedding will start in a few minutes. Everyone is moving around as they do the last check. Looking at them worried this and that makes me feel more nervous now. My heart is beating really fast. I touch my tummy. Babies, are you also excited like mommy?

"Oiii~ My dearest little brother, phi never thought that the day like this will finally come to my nong...", P'Tara suddenly hugs me.

"It's unbelievable, right phi?"

"Yes! It's unbelievable my nong getting married with his first love~", I pout.

"Phiiiii~ Don't tease meee~"

"But seriously naa~ Until now, phi still hasn't understood how both of you ended up together. When you came back to Thailand, you never intended to win his heart, right? Or... You actually try to get your first love back in the first place?", she raises her eyebrows playfully.

I shake my head. But... Hmmm... It's true. I came back here just to continue my education and solve this case. I'm not even intend to meet him at that park.

"Hey! What are you thinking naa~ Doesn't tell phi you start doubting your decision? Even you wanna run away, it's too late naaa~ Get ready and face your future with your Mr. Husband!"

"Who said I'm doubting? Moreover, the thing that happened between me and khun phi is something called destiny", I stick out my tongue.

"Sure~ Suree~ Now, get ready before your groom run away!"

P'Tara helps me fix my suits. We leave the room afterwards. My heart is going crazy now as we get closer to the wedding venue. P'Tara leaves me alone when we reach the aisle.

"Good luck, nong!", she taps my shoulder.

"Good luck, nong!", she taps my shoulder

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I sigh. My hand is shaking, but I'm called to enter. I hold the flower bouquet tightly. I take a deep breath and walk down the aisle. Everyone is cheering. It makes my heart beat even faster. My gaze is fixed on khun phi's. He smiles at me sweetly. It makes me lose for a moment. And, a moment later, my hand is already wrapped by his.

"Su su na, bii...", he whispers.

My nervousness is decreasing when I hear khun phi's voice. The wedding ceremony starts. Each process passes smoothly until we are finally announced as husband and wife. My baby Choppie delivers the wedding ring. Khun phi takes it. I put it on his finger and so does he.

"You may kiss your wife!"

I'm shocked. Without any notice, khun phi suddenly leans on and kisses me. I circle my arms around his neck. It's the sweetest and most memorable kiss in my life. The cheering sound brings us back to this wedding venue.

Mew's POV

Yai nong's face is really red. I giggle. He must be really shy. He hides his face on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his waist.

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