Ch.5 : Melting Ice

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Mew's POV

Two days later, our team is having morning meeting. One day off really revives our spirit for solving cases, except that crybaby. He looks really sleepy. No, I correct it. He is half-sleeping. What the hell is wrong with this boy? He always like this in every morning meeting. 

"Good morning! Today, we got new case. It's missing persons case. In few past months, it's reported that a person disappears every thirteenth of every month. Until now, the number of people who have disappeared is ten. At first, these cases were considered just ordinary missing persons cases because all of them have different background, but the division that manages these cases noticed the pattern of missing persons. According to testimony of the family and close people, the victims are missing after attending a party."

"What party, P'Mew?", Run asks.

"That's what we have to find out. Tong and Run, please look for all parties that are held every month. Mild, please use your informant to find out about suspicious party. And, the rest of us will go and check victim's house. We might find something there. Boat will go with P'Best while I'll go with Gulf.", all of them nod.

"If there is no more question, our meeting is over."

We are on our way to the first victim now. It hasn't been five minutes since we left our building. He falls asleep. He sleeps with his mouth open and drools. I chuckle. Life seems so easy for him. 

We almost reach our destination. The road here isn't really smooth so our car is rocking. His head also swings left and right until my car goes through a big enough hole. His head hit car window. Instead of waking up, he just whines, wipes his drool, and continues his sleep. I giggle with his behavior. His head starts to swing again. But, this time, I hold his head so that he won't hit window once again. I don't want him to be stupid before this case is solved. 

"Hey, sleepyhead! Wake up! We are here."

Gulf's POV

I hear P'Mew's voice calling me. Sigh... This is too comfortable now. I don't want to wake up yet. I rub my face on this soft thing.

"Wake up, sleepyhead! Let's work!", I pout.

We enter the house together. The mother greets us and brings us to the victim's bedroom. Woww... I'm amazed with this room. Almost everything in this room is pink. Even the wall is also pink. I look around the room, paying attention on every single things there. I keep walking until I reach the pink wardrobe. 

"I'm sorry... But, can I open this?"

"Sure... I'll prepare something for you two. If you need anything, I'm downstairs."

"Thank you..."

"Ma'am, if you don't mind, there are few questions I would like to ask.", P'Mew says.

"Of course, you can...", she and P'Mew leave me alone there.

I open the wardrobe. Hmmm... She loves pink for sure. From left to right and up to down, it's all pink. I check every corner of the room, but there is nothing suspicious. This is just like a normal room of teenager. I scratch my head. This isn't right. There must be something I'm not aware of. I look around the room again and find a suitcase. Its position is a bit too high at the top of the wardrobe. I tiptoe to pull down the suitcase. Unfortunately, my slippery socks cause me to slip. 

Bang! I fall on my back with heavy suitcase on top of me. Oiii~ My butt hurts so much as it is the first part that makes contact with floor. P'Mew and mother of the victim come to check me. They are shocked and immediately help me. 

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