Ch.4 : Scary Aura

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Author's POV

They go back to the bar with additional personnel the next day. All of them come in. Everyone inside is panicked, running around and trying to leave the place. But, the police manage to control the situation. They go to second floor to find Alex. The latter is nowhere to be found. Fortunately, Run sees him. He grabs his wrist. But, the criminal pushes him. It's strong enough to make Run fall.

Mew and Boat run after him. They are fast enough to catch up with him. Alex also can't do anything when Mew shows him arrest warrant. As planned, they conduct blood test on all workers and visitors. More than half of them is tested positive. So, they are taken to police station. 






Seven of them are inside observation room next to interrogation room where Alex has been sitting for awhile. They are discussing about who should going inside and interrogating him. Of course, the supporting team gang up to trap their newly-shipped couple.

"I think P'Mew and Gulf should go inside and interrogate him.", Run suggests.

"No, I'll go and interrogate him myself!"

"B-but, phi... He says he will tell everything if I am the one who ask him..."

"You really believe him, crybaby? Oh, crybaby! Why are you so innocent?", the rest of them are shocked by their boss's words and tone.

"N-no... But, I feel like he has something to say to me..."

"Has you forgotten his action?"

"B-but, this is police station. He won't do anything..."

"Phi, let Gulf interrogate him! It will be good experience for him. Please, phi~", Mild says.

"Also, he says he won't say anything if not Gulf who ask him. Please let him do it, okay phi?", Boat says.

"Okay! Okay! Let's go, crybaby!"

Gulf's POV

It's been awhile since we started. P'Mew asks him many questions. But, he doesn't spill anything. I and P'Mew has tried many ways to make him confess and none of them success. I sigh.

"Will you admit it that you're involved in drug trading?"

"So, you work here? It's such a waste, you know? You are too cute for this tough job. How about you become my wife instead?", I choke with my saliva.

Suddenly, P'Mew hits the table. "Hey! Watch your words!", I'm startled by his action.

"Why? Are you jealous, FAKE BOYFRIEND? This cute boy isn't yours, so I still can flirt with him, right?"

P'Mew moves really fast and almost grabs his collar. I hold P'Mew's arm. "Phi, don't! You won't get anything from punching him...", he sighs. 

Fiuh! P'Mew becomes calmer. "Just admit everything and we are done! Can't you do that easy thing? Your brain hasn't damaged by drugs, right?"

"I only ask one thing. I want to talk with this cute boy alone. If you grant this wish, I'll say it. Everything."


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