Special (1) : Angry Mommy

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It's been a while, right?

I come back with the extra chapter~

Hope you'll like it ;)






Gulf's POV

I sit next to the window. I look at the blue sky while rubbing my baby bump. I sigh. I'm four-months pregnant, yet my hubby can't be with me because of his work. And, he also forbids me to help his case nor take more classes. Geez... I'm so bored.

"Babies, don't be sad naa~ Daddy goes to make money for us... And, daddy will go home today... Let's wait for daddy naa~"

I pout. It's the second day khun phi hasn't come home. I and our babies have been waiting since yesterday, but khun phi is still on mission. My eyes get teary just by thinking about my khun phi. I sniff.

"Ohh, no, no, babies~ Mommy isn't sad, so babies don't be sad naa~ Let's just grab something to eat!"

I go to my kitchen. I open my fridge. I blink my eyes few times. I don't get eyes' problem, right? Why my fridge is empty? I frown. Aaaaa~ Khun phi hasn't come back, so no one fills the fridge for me. What should I do then?

"Babies, we run out of ingredients~ What should we eat now? Should we just go to grandmas and ask some food?", I rub my baby bump.

"Hm? No? Aaaa~ Mommy knows, babies must be tired eating healthy food from grandmas, right? Alright! Mommy and P'Chopper will bring you to traditional market then. We can try many foods there~"

I'm getting ready. I wear my jacket and bring Chopper's stroller with me. My baby Choppie is following me to car. I drive my car to traditional market happily. It feels great to be here. Once I enter the place, there is many snacks stalls. I can't wait to try them one by one.

I end up buying almost all the snacks and meals. I bring them and sit on a long table. I try the first snack. This is so good. After the first bite, I can't stop to take another bite. I eat them happily.

Ohooooo~ I'm too full now. I can't finish my food. I'll just take them home. But, before go home, I also need to fill my fridge. I can't always rely on khun phi.

"Choppie~ Let's buy something to fill our fridge!"

Woof! Woof!

"Babies~ Mommy wants to buy some ingredients naa~ Be good babies, okay?", I stroke my tummy.

I leave the table. I push the strollers. We walk down the hall. Hmmmm... I can't decide what should I buy... But, hold on... I feel like someone watching me. Maybe it's just my feeling.

I buy everything I need. Thankfully, there is Choppie's stroller. I can put my stuffs inside it even though Choppie is whining non-stop. I giggle. I go back to my car. Once everything is inside, I'm ready to go.  We leave the market. 

In our way home, I just remembered about the snacks. Should I give them to khun phi and other phi-phi? But, are they in office now?

"P'Choppie~ Babies~ Do you want to visit daddy at his office?"

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