Ch. 42 : I'm Home

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Mew's POV

Finally, I'm on my way back home with my team. Today, we will have dinner together. I look the flowers outside. I've been missing my baby so much. I'm away for ten days, does he miss me? Yess~ He must miss me too. I giggle. But, I'm sure he'll scold me because I'm late.

"Ohooo~ Someone must be thinking about his boyfriend~"

"Mildddd~ Not boyfriend, but wifey~"

I shake my head. Our trip is full of laughter. In no time, our car stops in front of my house. Irene comes out and welcomes us. We then enter the house. Everyone is approaching us, except a boy and a puppy. I frown. Where is my baby and Chopper? Why I can't find them?

"Phi, phi~ Are you looking for P'Gulf?", I nod.

"He is at kitchen. You better hurry find him, phi. Before he cries again..."

"Huh? He cried?"

"Yes! Today, P'Gulf has cried twice when he heard you'll go home. But, these days... P'Gulf also acts weird, phi. He isn't like my old P'Gulf. He doesn't eat well. Imagine it... How P'Gulf can reject food, especially it's his favorite one... Even, Khun Mae and Mama can't persuade him to eat. I'm 100% sure it's called lovesick!"

I rush to kitchen. My baby is sitting there alone while giving Chopper some food. My little Chopper's face immediately disappears as he eats with his whole face. It warms my heart seeing something like this. I carefully hug him from behind.

"Baby... Phi is home...", I kiss his shoulder.

He doesn't move nor talk at all. I separate our hug. I kneel down in front of him. He is pouting. I hold both of his hands.

"Baby... Phi is sorry naa for coming home late... My baby isn't angry, right?", he shakes his head.

"Does my baby boy miss phi?", he nods.

I pull him into a hug. He hugs me back tightly. But, I also hear sniffing. Oh, no. My baby is going to cry. I check on him.

"Baby... Why are you sad? Phi has come home safely, right?", I wipe his tears.

Woof! Woof!

Chopper, who just came out from his eating bowl, taps me. I lift him up. He becomes more fluffy than before.

"See? Even our little baby doesn't want his mommy crying... Don't cry anymore, okay?", he nods.

"That's my good boy!", I pat his head.

"Let's come out! Everyone is waiting for us...", I hold his hand.

We come out together. Everyone is already on dining table. We join them. I scan through the table. It's full of my favorite foods. However, I spot a plateful of plain buns. Hm? Who will eat those buns? But, my jaws drops as yai nong pulls that plate and puts it in front of him. Since when did he like it? Moreover, in that plate, I think there is 12 or more buns.

"Baby, do you only eat that? Don't you want eat other foods?", he eats one and shakes his head.

"Are you gonna eat them all?", he nods.

"But, there is much buns. You sure you can finish them all?", he nods.

"Ohooo~ No wonder your cheeks look like buns now~", I pinch his cheek.

He abruptly stops munching. He pouts. His eyes get teary. He starts sniffing. Oh, no... Problem is com-...


"Oii~ Oii~ Don't cry naa, baby... My baby is still looking cute though...", he wipes his tears.


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