Ch.9 : My Bad Past

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Author's POV

Gulf is finally willing to tell all the threats he had received. He brings all the threaten messages he got. Once all of them have gathered, they immediately start.

"Gulf, can you tell us about those threats?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything from the first threat you got."

"O-okay, phi... I started to get it when I join this team. The first threat I got is only a warning message. The man we caught in drug case told me that someone is coming soon. I don't think they would come to me directly, not until they sent me another message with me and P'Best's photos."

"So, that abstract number also...", Run says.

"Yes, those numbers mean 'hello gulf'."

"WHAT?!", Mew, Run, and Tong are shocked.

"How on earth you can find out about it while my program and our code specialist can't solve it...", Tong says.

"It's quiet simple. You just need to divide it into ten areas. And, focus on the middle number in each area. The other numbers are just to confuse you. After you get the important numbers, follow alphabetical order to translate it into letters. Then, you can get 'hello gulf'."

"You must be kidding me..."

"So, who are they?", Mew asks.

Gulf becomes pale. He really doesn't feel comfortable and doesn't want to tell anything. He takes a deep breath before answering this question. He is really nervous.

"I-I don't know, phi. They can be anyone, maybe my enemy, or maybe someone I rejected before."

Mew knows it absolutely a lie. But, he doesn't want to force him again like before. So, he just let it slide this time. 

"Well, no matter who they are, they are really brave sending poison to police. We can't let this happen again. Also, from now on, you're under our protection. We'll be with you for 24 hours. Got it?"

"No... I don't think that is neces..."

"Don't argue with me!"

"But, I don't want to cause trouble for all of you...", he pouts.

"You aren't troubling us, Gulf. Don't you remember what I told you when you joined this team? We are your family. So, let us help you, okay?", Boat says.

"But still..."

"Aha! How about P'Mew accompanies Gulf outside work? Both of you live in the same building, right? It'll be more convenient this way.", Mild says.

Gulf certainly rejected the suggestion, but before he could say anything, Mew immediately agrees.

"Deal!", Mew says.

"Wait! No need, phi..."

"I don't accept no!"

"P'Mewww~ It is really okay... I can protect myself..."

"Just choose it. You want me to stay at your place or you want to stay at my place?"

"P'Mewww~", he stomps like whining toddler.

"Okay! I stay at your place!"

"No, no, no, no, noo~ I'll go to your place...", Gulf pouts.

Gulf's POV

Gulf's POV

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