George Weasley- Smile (c)

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You wobbled on the sofa, trying to sit back up but your round stomach, forbid you from making any easy or graceful movement. The further into your pregnancy you became, the harder normal actions became, such as sitting up from lying down on the sofa. With everything else going on in your body, it did not help with you becoming angry with yourself over not being able to do anything you were once able to without even thinking. The only saving grace you could find was that your husband, George, was incredibly supportive and caring, and did everything he could to make you feel better.

With a great struggle, you managed to swing your legs from the sofa and force yourself into a sitting position, using a few cushions to support your back, in the hopes that the pain would disappear.

A frown was upon your face, an expression that seemed to be there constantly in recent months. The whole concept of pregnancy being a gift or anything pleasant was becoming farther from your mind with every waking moment.

"Are you okay?" George chuckled as he entered the room. "You were making some questionable noises."

If looks were able to kill, the glare you sent in his direction would have ended his life, several times over.

"You child has decided that sitting up is now an impossibility," you huffed. "I can't tie my own shoelaces, let alone see my feet, I can't drink coffee or eat whatever I want, now I can't sit up. I am not enjoying this at all."

He offered you an apologetic smile and held out the mug that he had carried in.

"It's not a coffee but it is your favourite tea," he said. "Caffeine free, of course."

A gentle smile curled upon your lips, something that neither of you had seen since about the fifth month of pregnancy.

"Seeing that smile on your face and knowing I had something to do with it makes me feel tingly inside," he grinned.

Your smile grew into one that was prominent enough to show off your teeth, that were now losing their coffee-stained tinge.

"Thank you for my tea. You always make me smile, George," you stated. "But recently it has been far more internal, although I'm sure with how your child is going, I won't even be able to smile soon."

He rolled his eyes at you, leaning down to press a kiss to your hair.

"It won't be long until they are causing trouble out here instead."


Written by Charlotte.

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