James Potter- Annoyance (c)

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You were relatively close to your brother but that didn't mean that you were unaware of his idiocy, nor were you willing to just put up with it. It didn't help that your twin brother James, was infatuated with your best friend Lily. He wasn't shy about how he felt, he was obsessive in how much he liked her but sadly for him, he was a complete pain in the arse and irritating beyond reason.

Lily and you were sat in the Gryffindor common room, chatting and letting time pass before dinner would be served and you would need to head down to The Great Hall. There were a few other people sat around the room, doing their own things but it was still relatively peaceful, with your conversation unaffected by the others in the room. Your peace wasn't able to last too long though as soon your brother entered the room and got excited to talk to the woman, he was head over heels for. Your conversation with the redhead soon depleted due to the involvement of your twin brother who was flirting uncontrollably. Lily had no interest in James due to him being a complete arsehole most of the time, but James couldn't see that.

Your friend finally had too much of your brother's stupidity and stood up from the sofa, offering you an apologetic look. She tried to make a hasty retreat from the room, but James called after her, making her turn back to him.

"You know you want me," James smirked.

"Dead? Yes." You and Lily said at the same time, trying not to laugh when you realised that you had said the same thing.

You loved your brother, but he did annoy you, and no matter how many times you told him to calm down with Lily, he never seemed to listen to you.

Lily quickly fled towards the stairs and went up to your shared dormitory, leaving you with your brother. James shot you an angry look, smacking you with one of the cushions from the chair.

"What?" You frowned.

"You ruined my chance with her," he huffed.

You rolled your eyes at him. "You did that for yourself. Maybe if you improved your attitude and personality, then maybe she would like you.

"Hey!" He exclaimed.

Playfully you punched his arm before resting your head near to where you had hit.

"You're a decent person, James, you just need to stop trying so hard then maybe she'd like you back but all you do is act like a dick," you explained to him. "I think you'd have a shot if you chilled out a bit."


Written by Charlotte.

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