George Weasley- Snowman: Part 1 (c)

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Since you had been in a relationship with George, you had spent Christmas with the Weasley's at the Burrow and you were always excited to experience that time of the year. It was always a hectic time due to the amount of people who were staying at the home, but you had never experienced anywhere that you felt accepted as much as you did at the burrow.

It certainly wasn't a big enough home for the amount of people that stayed there over Christmas, but you all put up with the one bathroom that you all had to share and the fact that privacy was impossible for the sake of being around family and enjoying the festive spirit. You were sharing a room with your boyfriend George along with his twin brother Fred and seen as you had been stuck with that arrangement for the last few years, you were used to it now.

On Christmas morning you woke up early and headed over to the window of the bedroom, to look outside, not wanting to wake up the twins in the room, but also not wanting to head out of the room yet as you didn't know who would be awake yet. When you peered past the patchwork curtains, you had to contain your excitement at what you saw. The vast land spreading out to the horizon no longer showed the dying grass and hardened mud, rather coated in a thick white sheet from a night of heavy snow, that hadn't started until after you fell asleep.

You rushed back across the room to the bed you had just gotten out of to shake awake your boyfriend. He took a moment to stir, looking rather confused as to why you had startled him awake that morning.

"Huh?" He grunted.

"It's snowing," you grinned, practically jumping onto the bed.

"Okay," he said, trying to roll back over to fall back asleep.

You repeated the statement, not understanding why he wasn't excited.

"Do you want to go outside?" He asked, having gotten used to your excitement that came with the snow every year.

You nodded your head as George sat up in the bed, ready to get up. The two of your quietly got on your winter clothes on top of your pyjamas and headed downstairs, trying your best to not wake anyone on your way to go play out in the snow.


Written by Charlotte.

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