Sirius Black- Decorative (c)

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When you thought about your future, you never imagined that you would be moving out into your first home with your boyfriend and his best friend. You knew full well that Sirius wanted Remus to live with him more than he wanted you to be there, so you just appreciated that you were invited to live with them both. It was a new world for the three of you, having never lived independently of legitimate adults, so needed to go shopping for furniture and general bits and bobs that were needed to live in your own home.

Most things were either bought already or currently in your trolley ready to be paid for at the end of the current trip. The three of you were making your way up and down aisles, looking to find anything that you may need or may have possibly forgotten for your home. As you pushed the trolley, the two men either gathered items or bickered like the old married couple they were.

Remus picked up a large vase, checking the price at the bottom.

"Why the hell would we need a vase?" Sirius frowned.

"I like it," you chipped in. "It's pretty and when you buy me flowers, I'll have somewhere to put them."

Sirius scrunched up his nose, having an issue with buying you flowers anyway, but also not understanding the point of having decorative items in a house. If he had his way, you were sure you'd all be sleeping on the floor and have a fridge as the only piece of furniture.

"It's decorative," Remus argued, although you both knew that it wasn't a good argument to convince him.

"It's pointless," Sirius huffed.

The two of them started to bicker about the vase as though this was the most important decision that could be made. You tried to roll your eyes and ignore the men but seen as they were starting to make a little bit of a scene, you realised that you needed to get involved in what was going on. You took the vase from Remus and put it into the trolley along with all of the other bits and pieces that were decided as necessities for your household.

"Can you stop acting like an old married couple?" You frowned. Sirius pouted at you until you wrapped an arm around him. "If the two of you keep arguing, then I won't be able to take you shopping again."


Written by Charlotte.

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