Fred Weasley- Potion (h)

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Growing up with essentially two different backgrounds wasn't the easiest thing to have done.

Your dad was a wizard, and a talented one at that but when he'd met your mum who was a muggle, he had been prepared to leave the whole of the wizarding world behind.

You still couldn't quite wrap your head around how your mum had been so accepting of magic when you knew that muggles were taught that it was only a fantasy aspect, it didn't even exist to them.

Nonetheless you had grown up knowing about magic and knowing what would happen when you were eleven, but your mum had also made sure to educate you in all things muggle too.

And so, when you met Fred you wanted to teach him things from your life – his favourite so far was being able to take non-moving pictures.

The two of you had been together for two years and in that time, Fred had managed to fill about ten photo albums with every single photo he had taken.

You had reluctantly agreed to help George with testing a couple of their newest products, but those products required some potions and it should have been a rule that George was not to be trusted with new potions.

"Uh Y/N?" George's voice came from across the workroom.

Sighing you turned away from your relatively stable potion to go across to George.

"This doesn't look like it did when Forge made it," he told you as he pointed at his cauldron.

You cringed at both the colour and the smell of the potion. "Why didn't we just get Fred to do it?"

"Because Fred had to go and talk to Gringotts," your boyfriend's voice came from the open curtain of the workroom.

Turning around you smiled at Fred but as soon as you and George turned your backs on the cauldron it exploded.

In a matter of seconds, you and George were covered in grey foul-smelling gunk whilst your boyfriend fell about laughing.

"This is why I don't help you!" you yelled out in frustration as grey gunk dripped from the strands of your hair.

George grimaced but managed to clean the both of you up with a wave of his wand – even with the magic you still stunk of whatever that potion was.

Fred's laughter eventually died down and he pouted when he realised that you and George were now clean.

"Dammit!" he yelled as he threw his arms up. "I should've snapped a picture!"

He pointed at one of his many cameras that he left lying around.

George shrugged. "This isn't going to be my last potions mishap Freddie," he told his twin with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes. "But this is going to be my last time helping you with potions."

Fred chuckled as he strolled over to you to pull you into his arms. "You know it won't be love."

"Whose side are you on Weasley?" you questioned with narrowed eyes.

George smirked again at his twin and threw him a wink. "He'll be on mine till you're a proper Weasley love."

A blush dusted your cheeks at the mention of you marrying Fred and of course, of course Fred noticed your blush and chuckled at it.

He bent his head to kiss your blushing cheeks. "That can be easily remedied love, I just want to make sure you'll say yes."

His words didn't help your blush, not at all, they made it worse.

"She'll say yes brother mine," George stated with yet another wink. "That is unless she wakes up and realises, she's missing out on the better twin."

Giggling you shook your head whilst leaning back into Fred's body.

Fred stuck his tongue out at George once he felt you cuddle into him. "She's with the better twin Gred," he stage whispered. "But we'll let you be the best man."


Written by Hannah.

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