UPDATED!!!! (Chatper 13)

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This is where the true smut begins!! Enjoy ;)

"Want me to fuck you, kitten?" Edward whispered into his ear.

"I-" it'd be his first time. And besides that he was scared. What if it'd hurt? It probably wasn't a good idea. "Okay." He managed to get out.

Edward planted kisses by kisses down his neck, moving his hands to Louis hips, taking off his trousers. "You're so beautiful." He moved his hand over his curves, it really set him on. He turned around the boy roughly making him whine. Edward didn't hesitate to place his lips on Louis, letting his tongue slide in, tasting all of the boy. They both tasted of heavy alcohol, and caught their balance while slipping now and then, making each other laugh.

Edward carried the boy up, pressing his back into the door. Louis wrapped his legs around his waist and arms around his neck. The two didn't want to waste a second, "Put it in. Please, want it." Louis pleased. "You're so desperate for it, aren't you?" Edward smirked, grinding against the boy, making him whimper.

Edward's member was rock hard as he grind against the boy, "Please." The boy pleaded, desperate to be filled.

"Do you want it to hurt?" The man asked the boy who shook his head quite frightened. A look of disappointment hit Edward's face, "Well, it's gonna hurt if it's dry." He said, putting down the boy to the floor who almost tripped. Guess he was drunker than he thought. "Get down." Edward demanded. Louis looked at him a bit confused before getting down onto his knees. Edward grabbed the back of his hair as Louis opened his mouth for Edward to enter.

Louis almost choked at first. His eyes began to tear as Edward got more rough and fastened his thrusts into his mouth. His nails dug into the mans thighs as he couldn't breath, "There you go princess. You love the taste of my cock, don't you?" He smirked at the boy. The tears welling down and bright flustered cheeks made Edward obsessed.

Louis tried to not hold back, he looked up, meeting Edward's gaze. Edward stared down at him, biting his lip, "Shit, kitten, you're so fucking hot!" He rolled his head back. He wanted the boy to take all of him, holding on to him as he came with a raspy grunt.

The boys eyes widened, pushing himself off Edward and about to spit it out, "Swallow it!" He stared at the boy, breathing heavily. Louis had to swallow a couple of times to get it all down. Guess he came before he could fuck him.

Edward looked down at the boy sitting on the bathroom floor- his kneecaps was flared red as well as his cheeks. His lips was swollen. Eyes soggy and wet from all of the crying. And his brown messy hair that probably hurt like hell. It was perfect.

"Enjoyed it, huh?" Edward smirked at him.

Some days later and Louis wondered what the hell happened. He didn't regret it, he kind of craved for more. He couldn't stop thinking about it and his fantasy wasn't treating him the fairest. Thinking of all the sexual scenarios he desired- imagining Harry fucking him. Maybe even both of them... and so, so much more. It was wicked probably, absurd but he couldn't deny it for himself anymore. I knew he was attracted to the Styles Brothers and they were to him. They weren't his real brothers anyway. Besides that, he had already crossed the line anyway when he let Edward into his mouth.

Later that evening Louis headed down once he heard it was dinner. They all sat down by the table and it was... it was good food. "How was day at work?" Their dad asked Edward, "Well, I-" and that's where Louis stopped listening. But then his eyes light up once he heard the front door bell ring. Maybe it was Niall? Maybe he had changed his mind. "I'll get it." Louis got up and hurried to the door, opening it he saw Harry with a suitcase. "Guess who's staying here for the week!" He smiled.

A week? But he's only been home for the weekends. It felt a bit awkward for a moment, it was the first interaction they've had for months. A half year even. Yeah, Harry visit maybe once every third month or so, but then Louis would only stay in his room. Harry's smile sunk when Louis didn't make a reaction but their dad was soon to hug the boy and welcome him home. They all gave him a hug, asked him a bunch of questions while Louis went back to the table and ate his food.

One week with Harry? Jesus how would this be.

A small smirk grew on the boys lips.

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