Chapter Two.

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As a freshman in high-school Louis has learned a few things: owning the confidence he doesn't have at home and always have a sassy reply. His only friend Niall, quite a special one, was his constant company at school. To his luck, Harry was a Senior at college- so he at least didn't have to endure his urgent teasing and humiliation during school hours. Most days he'd usually see his oldest step-brother- Edward, in the late evenings, apart from weekends, since the 23 year old was always working late. Harry ended school an hour later than Louis, so he did get some time for himself everyday.

Slamming the front door shut, Louis ran upstairs as fast as possible into his room, he bumped down on the floor beside the bed, he pulled out the secret box under the bed and a smile grew on his lips.
"Finally." he whispered to himself as he opened it. A smell of strawberries and vanilla perfume hit him.

He enthusiastically took out the clothes. While stripping down the clothes he were already wearing, he looked in the mirror and reached for his favourite and only pink skirt, white thigh-high socks with a pink bow on the top of them. Along with a matching pink crop-top.

Finally Louis felt like the cute princess he's been waiting to be all day. He spun around while looking in the mirror and giggling to himself. He sat down quickly enough to fall of the chair, on the floor he reached to the box and pulled out a strawberry-red lipstick, glittery brown eyeshadow and a mascara.

He sat down on the chair again and did his makeup. Finishing after 4 minutes, he remembered his love for chocolate cereal that he wasn't allowed to eat but princesses needed chocolate cereal, right?

He leaped down the stairs like a little princess, Louis couldn't possibly feel cuter. Ending up in the kitchen he opened and looked up at the shelf.

The chocolate cereal were impossible for Louis to reach. He climbed up on the counter and his short skirt rode up, making his bum a perfect view. He reached up for the cereal.

"You need help, love?" a deep, familiar voice said. Louis yelped and looked behind him anxiously and quickly sat down on the counter. He was met by an amused Edward. But why the hell was Edward there!? He was supposed to be at work?

"W-Why're you home?" he asked nervously, barely daring to look at his step-brother. Louis gulped with fear when Edward got up from the chair, moving closer to him.

No one had ever seen Louis in these type of clothes before and no one were supposed to. Were Louis about to be bullied and humiliated now? He hoped not. The closer Edward moved the more Louis froze in his spot, wondering what he was supposed to do. Right now Louis had the chance to use everything he had taught himself at school.

Don't let him get to you, be smart Louis!

When Edward was close enough to Louis, he put his hands on either side of Louis' thighs. Staring him right in the eye, Louis met his eyes for a moment, they were in a darker shade of brown than usual and his pupils were wide.

"My work colleague got sick. So I finished off earlier-..." he explained calmly in a mature manner. He moved his hand up to Louis thigh, stroking it slowly. Louis opened his mouth to protest, absolutely nothing came out. He felt his heart pounding faster, staring at Edwards large hand. Edward noticed Louis' nervousness and smirked to himself, also looking down at his own hand.

"May I ask why you're wearing...girl clothes?" he said in a condescending, disgusted tone. Edward saw the humiliation on Louis' face which pleased him. Louis knew that's exactly how Edward wanted him to feel.

Louis hated how sensitive he was and how a stupid question like that could hurt him. He wanted so bad to just look up at Edwards stupid smirk and give a sassy reply back to make him speechless. To finally be the one winning and having the last laughter, but simply he couldn't.

"Uhh...I-I" he said defeated. He could feel the tears starting to come but managed to hold them back.

Good Louis! Something you could manage to do!

He looked down, sniffling quietly. Edward smirked at Louis, loving the situation he caused on the poor little boy.

"Aww, don't cry princess. At least the skirt emphasises your cute little bum." he mocked. Edward mockingly chuckled at Louis. He was amused enough to leave the situation like this. He winked and traced his slender fingers over Louis inner thigh as he left.
Louis swallowed bitterly, while the tears streamed down. He told himself that was the last time.

Next time it was revenge.


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Take care, loves! :)

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