Chapter Five.

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After the incident, Louis had went to his room, quickly getting into a t-shirt and sweatpants. Too lazy to dry his hair he walked out to the hallway, seeing Edward completely soaked, including his clothes still, walking past by. He couldn't hold in his laughter, only getting a glare back. As he ran downstairs, desperate for food he could see Harry still sitting by the dinner table. Of course he had some blonde girl sitting in front of him, it wasn't uncommon. Harry really was a player when it came to girls, which made Louis even more confused why the hell Harry would try to get into his little step brother's pants. He wanted to cringe at how awfully much they were flirting.

Louis sat down where his plate of food was placed- beside Harry. "Where's mum and dad?" he hated to call Desmond his dad but he knew how sad his mum would be if he didn't. "Who cares." he responded, moving his hand to Louis thigh and giving it a squeeze. Louis looked up at Harry grinning down at him, licking his lips. He frowned and kept eating his food, choosing to ignore him.

"Oh my god, Harry you didn't tell me your little brother was so adorable. How old are you cutie? 12?" The irritating girl asked, smiling at Louis. Okay, sure he was used to be called tiny, short and looking young for his age which is an complete insult but this? 12? Did he actually look to be 12 to people?
He looked up at her, eating his food. If he were an asshole like Harry he would've told her to piss off.

"I, uhm-" his jaw dropped a little when Harry moved his hand further up, too close to his crotch. He tried to move away Harry's hand but getting pinched in return. "Emily? Want to see a movie? Latest horrors?" Harry interrupted. Louis finished up his food, smirking to himself- clearly thinking of revenge since his step-brother thinks he could just touch Louis' body whenever he pleases to, "Can I join?" He looked up at them, earning a glare from Harry. "Sure!" She smiled.


They all was placed on the couch, Louis sat down close to Harry but not too close to raise suspicion. Harry had his arm wrapped around Emily's shoulder, they all had a big blanket over them, to make it cosier. Into half of the movie Louis had put his hand on Harry's thigh, he knew Harry would enjoy this though. He glanced up to see Harry was still watching the movie, like nothing was happening, Louis did the same.

He moved his hand further up, putting it on Harry's crotch, palming him. A quiet sigh left Harry's lips, biting his lip. The hard part was coming, Louis tried to unzip Harry's jeans, pulling down his boxers slightly to be able to jerk him off. He glanced over to look at Harry, he had pulled his head back in pleasure with eyes closed and mouth slightly open. Louis almost laughed, his movements fastened. He glanced at him one last time. Yeah, Harry was too far gone in pleasure. He moved to grab Harry's hand to jerk himself off and surprisingly he did. Louis let out a cough, Emily looked at him and he nodded down at Harry's crotch. He didn't know how he managed to hold his laughter when he saw Emily's face, she gasped, removing the blanket to see Harry jerking himself off.

She grimaced, getting up, "Ew, you disgusting pervert! Right beside me and your brother!?" She threw a pillow at him before running to the hallway, utterly disgusted. Harry panicked, getting up as well and putting his jeans back on. He hurried after her, "No Emily, please I'm sorry. I- It was Louis!" Right then he received a slap right across the cheek. "Really!? Blaming it on your brother!? You're too disgusting Harry! Ew! Never call me again! I'll tell the school!" She left. Louis couldn't hold in his laughter anymore, he laughed his ass off but it quickly went silent..


Harry turned around, glaring at him. Louis looked right back at him in fear. He had never seen Harry that furious before. He looked like he was going to kill him any second now. "You better fucking run." He gritted his teeth, jaw clenched. Louis gulped, slowly standing up and putting his hands up in defence.


"Don't you fucking dare speak! I have never been this humiliated in my damn life. I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Louis had slowly made his way towards the stairs as he spoke. He ran once Harry made a move towards him and Harry was coming right after. Just in time Louis had gotten to his room and locked the door. Harry banked on it roughly, "Open the fucking door!! You're dead Louis!! You have no idea what you've done!!" he stared at the door in fear, taking steps back. "It's fine, he can't come in." Louis calmed himself. It went silent for a minute.

He let out a breath in relief but he shouldn't have, the door opened, showing a furious, humiliated Harry and Edward. Louis gulped, "Guys-" Harry threw the screwdriver on the floor, making his way over to Louis and grabbing him roughly by the shirt. Edward was making his way over as well, smirking at Louis. His breath increased in fear.

"You're fucked, Louis!" Harry yelled, pushing him down on the bed.


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