Chapter Eleven.

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Sorry for a short chapter guys. The next will be longer!

"Okay so, it might not have gone as we wanted it to..but-but!" Louis rolled his eyes, "But what Niall?" He stood up from Niall's bed staring at him. "Nothing went as it should've! I mean fucking look at you man.." he gestured towards Niall's beaten eye, so swollen he couldn't see with it. He was more purple and blue than a blueberry and honestly? It made almost made Louis grimace in disgust every time he saw it, "Well at least I fucking tried! At least I had a plan!" Niall frowned at him, "And we saw how that went." Louis snorted mockingly.

"Alright, alright. Get out!" The blonde boy pointed to the door. Glaring at Louis with the only eye he could use, "Are you seriously throwing me out?" Louis glared back at him. Niall finally stood up with help of the crutches he had to have now, "Yeah, yeah, I am! Do you want to know why? Because you're standing there complaining while I look like this!" He raised his voice at the blue eyed boy, "Well it's not my fault that you couldn't take Zayn. I mean what were you even thinking!" He glared right back at him, "I was thinking that I wanted to help my best friend! but you know what Louis? Screw it! because you're nothing other than an ungrateful, selfish brat! Yeah, that's right I said it. Whenever someone tries to help you  it's never good enough for you! Now leave!" He yelled. Louis just stared at his best friend dumbfounded, normally he'd yell back, probably say something even worse, normally he'd never let someone talk to him like that. But this time it hurt even more because it came from his best friend. Without a word he walked out of the room

He made his way home, staring to the ground,

You're nothing other than a ungrateful, selfish brat!

The words wouldn't stop go over and over in his head. Was it true? Was he an ungrateful, selfish brat? All he wanted to now was to bury himself under his blanket at home. He wanted to forget, to disappear for a little while.

Even just a moment

Hopefully Harry wasn't at home since, well, they hadn't spoken a word with each other since Louis had a tantrum  at the party a few days ago. Once he made his way home he carefully closed the door behind him and as quietly as possible making his way upstairs but apparently that wasn't good enough, "Lou?" Harry yelled from his room. His whole body tensed up as he looked from his bedroom door to Harry's, he quietly  turned his doorknob but it was too late. All too late. Harry was already by his doorway, "Lou, can we please talk?" He looked him from across the hall with glossy eyes. He made the mistake of looking over, sighing to himself, he couldn't say no to that.

"Alright.." he whispered, walking over and sitting down on the older boy's bed, looking down uncomfortably as his fingers lightly tapped his knees in a rhythm, "Lou, I'm so-" "It doesn't matter anymore." Louis interrupted, "Please, would you just let me finish." Harry sat down beside him. Louis sighed and kept quiet, looking down.

"I know I've hurt you."

"That's an understatement." He snorted.

"Just let me speak!" Harry frowned, and the boy shut up again.

"As I said, I know I've hurt you. But I had no idea I hurt you that much. I could sit here and ramble about how sorry I am, and all the mistakes I've done which would be writing a book. But what I'm really gonna say is that..I truly like you." He said, looking over at the boy who only stared down at his lap. Harry sighed and looked down at his knees as well, having no idea that the younger boy's heart skipped at those exact words, "I want to be with you. I want to show you the love you deserve. But I can't. And you know why. You know why I can't do this."

"Because we're step brothers.." he mumbled. Harry let out a sigh and nodded, "Yeah." He whispered.

"That's why I'm moving." Louis eyes shot up, "You're moving? Where?" "College. I'm gonna share a room with my friend. It's the best for us. To move on." He looked over at the boy who looked away towards the wall in sorrow, "You're right." He sniffled before standing up to leave. Harry grabbed his wrist before standing up as well, looking down at the shorter boy, "Lou, please. Don't be sad. Just see me as nothing other than your asshole step brother." He tilted Louis' head up before leaning in to place a kiss to the boys lips. He immediately pulled away, stepping back, "How do you expect me to see you as my 'asshole step brother' when you literally just kissed me!" He teared up. "I-I don't know. I mean...shit! See whatever I do I just fuck up! I meant...just for tonight...let me make love to you."


"It'll be the last time. After won't see me again. Just at awkward dinners, and once in awhile when our parents force me to come over but-"

"Don't say our parents." Louis gritted through his teeth, "You tried, but you just managed to fuck it up once again. You should just have shut up at the part of us moving on. It's better if we don't talk, pretend like nothing ever happened. Have a normal brotherly bond."

"Normal?" Harry snorted, after all they've done, how could it ever be 'normal', "I don't fucking know- you know what I mean." With response of Harry only raising his eyebrows at him in disbelief.

"I can't do this right now okay? I just...I lost my best friend because all of this. It's my fault." He looked down, wiping his tears he were trying to hold back. Harry sighed, feeling bad for the boy he stepped forward to give him a hug. Louis stepped back,

"Just keep your distance, okay?" He said softly before leaving to his bedroom.

Why was everything turning to shit?

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