Chapter Six.

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"You're fucked, Louis!" Harry yelled, pushing him down on the bed.

Louis wasn't sure if he should fight back or stay still to not anger them any further. He looked up at them in fear. "Please, I'm sorry-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Harry yelled at him.

"You don't understand, do you?" he glared at him, it terrified Louis even more. Harry moved closer, getting on top of him. "You made one of the most popular girls in my collage believe that I'm a pervert! She'll tell the whole fucking school if not town!! You ruined my fucking reputation!" Edward shook his head in disappointment, walking closer to them. "And you weren't very nice to me in the shower. You sure want to play this humiliation game, love? Because we'll play it." He spoke in all seriousness.

"Spread your legs open." Harry demanded.

Louis looked at them in fear, he tried to come up with an escape plan, nothing came to mind though. He didn't obey Harry which made him more pissed off. "I know what we will do." Edward smirked, "Let's get you into your little 'girl' clothes, princess." He pushed Harry aside and grabbed Louis arm, making him stand up.

"Go get them. Now." Edward demanded calmly, he was more terrifying than Harry somehow.

The worst thing was happening, he couldn't stand being humiliated in those clothes, it was literally his biggest weakness.


"Now. I won't ask you again, kitten." Edward stared at him frighteningly. Louis sighed and got down on his knees, shaking while reaching for the box under his bed.

"What the fuck is going on?" Harry asked, genuinely confused. "Language." Edward warned Harry who only rolled his eyes. "Fuck off." He responded, being the careless jerk that he was.

"There we go." Edward smirked at Louis, being dressed up in the pink skirt, white thigh-high socks with a pink bow on top of them along the pink crop-top. Louis looked down in shame, letting the tears fall to the floor. Harry tilted his head to the side and laughed. "What the fuck is that?" Edward smirked at Harry, "Right?" Louis frowned up at Edward, glaring at him. He wanted to cuss at him but he didn't want to make anything worse.

"Spin around."

Louis sniffled, doing as told. Snorts and slight chuckles was heard. He never felt so humiliated his entire life. "Enjoy being dressed like a slut, don't you?" Harry smirked at Louis making him gasp.

As Harry was about to grab him, Edward quickly leaned in, kissing him. Louis couldn't deny that he liked it, he kissed back hesitantly. "Can't resist kissing me back right away, hmm kitten?" Edward smirked into the kiss. His large hands made their way down to his bum, grabbing it. Louis let out a whimper, moving closer.

Harry wasn't pleased though. He stared at them in jealously, once again. He never had his turn with Louis. He cleared his throat loudly, reminding Edward as to why they were there- to humiliate Louis, not to pleasure him. Edward snapped out of it and pulled away from the kiss. "All of that and you're still so needy." He pecked Louis lips."You should have respect for your older brothers, shouldn't you?" Edward looked down at him. Louis only nodded in response. He hated how he was so aroused by this. "Well, I think that's enough humiliation for tonight." Edward smirked at Harry who glared at Louis. "Whatever." They left him like that, in pain, torn, sad, hurt and humiliated.

Not long after that his mom yelled that it was 'family movie time'
of course Louis skipped it.

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