Chapter Four.

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"I need you to take care of it." 

It hit Louis like wall, his eyes widened. "What?" He said out of pure shock. "Oh c'mon. I know you have a thing for me. You've always had. Though, I didn't expect you to have a thing for my brother too." Harry frowned, his voice clearly filled with jealousy.

Louis couldn't believe it though. Okay, sure, he knew about all the weird seemingly 'sexual' occasions they've had through the years but he didn't know they were doing it on purpose to tease him. However, it should've been a clear sign by now when he thinks about it. Suddenly he felt a pair of large hands on his shoulders, "What're you thinking about Lou?" Harry's hands traced Louis' skin over the shirt, down his waist. Louis kept quiet and his eyes found it's way to Harry's bulge.

So, he did actually get a boner from watching his encounter with Edward before. Harry looked where Louis was looking and his smirk couldn't possibly grow bigger. "Oh, I see. So needy, aren't you?" his eyes was in a dark shade of green. "You're disgusting." Louis attempted to push him off and due to Harry being surprised of his answer- Louis succeeded. He quickly got on his feet but before he could make a move he felt a hand on his wrist. "You want me." Harry pulled Louis on top of him, holding his waist. "No-" he lied before he could finish his sentence he felt Harry's lips on his.

Harry's lips

His brother's..

A small, slow kiss. Weird. He expected Harry to be down his throat by now. He leaned away and looked into Harry's eyes, he looked back into Louis'. It wasn't the same Harry he despited and his particularly green jade eyes made Louis' belly melt. Suddenly, Harry saw the biggest glare he could possibly recevie. "That was my first kiss.." he whispered. "You stole my first kiss!" he raised his voice. He quickly got up. Harry did as well.

"Well, according to half of the school you should consider yourself lucky." Nope, the asshole Louis despited was back. "I'm so through with this! You're ruining my life! Both of you!" He crossed his arms, raising his voice even more. Harry was surprised, however he didn't show it. Louis has always been quiet and the cry baby but seeing him like this, angry and flustered, it turned him on. "Louis, it was a kiss. Not like I took your virginity or something." He shrugged.

"Well you might even!"

"Was that a hint?" he grinned, clearly teasing him for his own entertainment.

Louis was filled with anger. You know that feeling when you're so angry you just want to cry out in frustration? Yeah, that's Louis right now. How the hell was he even supposed to deal with him. Why did his mom have to fall for such a prick?
He made progress though, at least he could stand up for himself for once. The Styles brothers saw him as nothing more than a joke. Like they didn't even know he had feelings or if they just didn't care. He looked down, "Harry, please just leave my room." He sat down on the chair by his desk, "I have homework to do." Harry opened his mouth to reply-

A knock was heard and the door opened. In came Desmond- their dad. Ew-Louis thought to himself but he did come right on time though. "Son, where have you been? You were supposed to help me fix the car, remember?" He looked at Harry disappointed. "Seem like I forgot." he shrugged, avoiding his fathers stare. "Why're you here anyway?" He questioned. Harry scratched the back of his neck, probably to come up with something fast. "Helping Louis with his homework, right Louis?" The way he said it, Louis knew if he didn't give in he'd get his ass kicked. He nodded, looking at the two of them.


"So, what would you do?" 


Louis groaned in frustration. "Niall, stop pouring food down your throat and help me out here. I can't stand them anymore! They're ruining my life! Everyday is a nightmare, literally!" Niall looked at Louis, thinking, "If I was in your shoes, mate. I'd show them who's the boss!"

Louis sighed deeply, "Yeah but how.." he asked, it was more of a question to himself. "Do what they do to you. They'll be surprised. Show them you can be just as ruthless as them. If they bully you, bully them back. If they punch you, punch them back. If they ignore you, ignore them too. Show that you're not putting up with their stupid shit!"

Even if the situation wasn't quite like that it might would work. Niall was right, who was to say that Louis had to be the victim. He didn't have to be anything!

"You're a genius!" Louis smiled widely. "And she's hot." Niall stared behind him. "Who?" Louis asked confused and looked behind him, right in front of him stood...Eleanor. Louis cheeks flustered in a pink shade, "H-Hi Eleanor." Louis smiled. "Hi boys, what are you doing?" she smiled back. "Talking about Louis' sad life." Niall spoke quickly, the nervousness was taking ahold of him.

Louis glared at Niall before giving Eleanor a smile, "He's joking. My life's awesome. Even that-that you're here." He blushed nervously, trying to save the conversation. Eleanor did too and smiled. She played with her hair flirty, "Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout someday?" Louis nodded in an instant.

"Cool. Wednesday?"

"Wednesday's great." They both smiled shyly. "See you then. Bye Nigel." She waved and left. Both of the boys looked at her in awe. "She almost know my name." Niall said completely in awe.


After school Louis stayed at the library, trying to find a new book and probably catch up on some of his homework. Some hour later, knowing dinners ready at home. He took his bike that he rode daily and headed home. He opened the front door, "I'm home!" He yelled, pissed at the weather. His mother walked over and gasped, "You're pouring wet! You'll catch a cold boo." She put her hand to his forehead in concern. "Go take a warm shower and change into cosy clothes." "But I'm hungry." He whined. "Food can wait. Go now." She smiled and headed back to eat with the others. He groaned and saw the look from Harry and Edward, he stuck out his tongue at them and left upstairs. What? He had the right to be immature.


He stripped down naked, he quickly pulled the towel up to his body as he heard the door opening. "Mum?" he asked confused.

"Mind if I join you in the shower?" Edward smirked, walking inside and closing the door. Well, what Niall said right? Strike them right back.

Louis shook his head.

"What.." He whispered. Wait, did Louis actually surprise him? Niall was right, it actually worked. "I don't mind." Louis bit his lip, dropping the towel to the floor. Edward's eyes widened, he did look a bit pale. "I-" he had him speechless. Who was the speechless one now, huh? Did he actually have the control over this situation? Louis stepped into the shower, feeling the hot water on his skin.

"Come over here." He teased. Edward gulped and walked over and got into the shower. Louis wanted to laugh, "Kiss me." Edward hesitated but obeyed, he wrapped his arms around Louis waist, pulling the boy closer and kissing him. Louis pulled Edward's wet hair. "More intense." Louis begged, okay, maybe he got carried away as well. It turned into a hot session. Edward was having him against the wall, grabbing his ass, kissing him intensely and Louis loved it. He whimpered on and on, making Edward hot and crazy. He wrapped one of Louis legs around his waist, rubbing their crotches together. They both breathed heavily. "Want me?" Louis whispered, whimpering when Edward was biting down on his lower lip softly.

"Want you so bad, kitten. Just like you want me." he whispered back, his voice was raspy, dark and desperate. He was desperate for Louis and Louis was falling in the same pattern but he needed to stay focused. He pushed Edward away from him, his facial expression changed to confused and surprised, just like Louis wanted.

He giggled, "How could I want you? I thought you said you could never be aroused by me, kitten." He shook his head, laughing at him mockingly. Edward on the other hand didn't like it at all, Louis could tell he felt humiliated. He stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towel around his body and smirked at Edward, "Oh and you forgot to take off your clothes, fool." He chuckled at Edwards soaked clothes and left to his room to change.

Finally he won this round. You're next Haz.


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