Chapter Fourteen.

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It just hurt a little...just a little. He looked at the boy who was once his friend, best friend even. Some feet across from the bench Louis sat on was Niall, laughing with his new friends. Not the popular kids, not the rebellious kids. Not the nerdy- okay maybe a little nerdy- kids but he was having fun. Enjoying himself with actual friends who wouldn't hurt him. Who wouldn't lash out their egotistical arses night and day at him.

Louis moved away a stray of his sandy brown hair stuck in his eyes. Maybe it was time for a cut but that's the least he could think about. What if he went over there? What if he tried to apologise for his selfish behaviour? He was caught up in his own shit, he knew he acted out rude. Impulsion got the best of the boy. He got up on his feet and slowly made his way over, regretting his decision when he actually stood in-front of them. The boys looked up at him with utter confusion expect for Niall, who crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at him.

"Oi.." he blurted out. "Oi mate!" One of them responded politely with a mix of confusion. Louis nervously pulled his sweaty hands into his pockets, looking over at Niall, "Can I talk to you?" It stayed quiet for a second or two before Niall got up, "Be back in a second lads." He walked with the boy, standing not too far away from the others. Louis looked down at the grass, trying to think of words to say, "I didn't want to...I didn't mean to bore you out. I didn't mean to make it all about me. I know you have a hard time at home with your dad at home. If I shut you out..I mean if you thought I didn't care about your problems too...If I made it seem like-"

"Mate." he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Niall giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry too. You're not a selfish brat."  "Ungrateful-" Louis corrected him. "You're not an ungrateful selfish brat." Niall corrected himself, "Truth be told, I've really missed you Tommo. I don't know about you but I really want my best friend back." Louis smiled widely, attacking him with a tight hug. "I'm really sorry Tommo."

"I'm sorry you had to use crutches." Louis smile grew into a grin. Niall pulled away from the hug to punch his arm, "Twat."

"Cunt." The two smiled at each other before Niall wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulder and made their way back to the others, "Boys, welcome our newie- Tommo!" Niall patted Louis back, "It's actually Loui-" too excited the boy interrupted, "Now this is Kevin-" Louis rolled his eyes and smiled, he had really missed his best friend.




His eyes opened slowly, turning over and rubbing his eyes. "What!?" Mumbled, barely able to keep his eyes open. "I made it to level 34. This is where the hot scene comes!! I looked it up on YouTube. Lola's gonna take off her shirt! Get here!!" He shouted excitedly. Niall sat on his bed, playing on his console, eyes glued on the screen.

"Do you ever sleep, mate." Louis mumbled to himself before checking his phone, eyes widening.
"Niall! Is this what you woke me up for!? 6am on a Saturday!?" He sat up on the mattress, yawning. "Yeah!? Times nonexistent when it comes to Lola. This is the highlight of my" He mumbled the last word to himself. Louis shook his head and chuckled, "Alright mate, I'm headed home." He got up and put on his shirt. "What!? Why!?" Niall paused the game for a second to look over at Louis. "Don't leave me." He pouted with puppy eyes. "Ni, I've slept here three days in a row." It wasn't much...but Harry was only going to stay home for a week and he had already missed three days of it. He never saw him anymore. "My mum's gonna go crazy if I stay another night." He half lied. His mum missed him but she wasn't the type to boss him around. "Fine." He unpaused the game and played again, "Me and the lads will come over later though. Gonna be a pool party!"

"Sure- what?" He stopped by the doorway, "Why at mine?" he looked over at the boy, "Because you're the only one who have a pool?" with the obvious tone again. "Oh.." He looked over at the screen, seeing the anime girl with her tits out, bouncing them up and down, up and down.. "See you then." Niall was clearly too busy to answer.  Yuck.

He opened the door, "I'm home!" with no answer he looked around to see no one was up. Everybody seemed to be asleep and Louis didn't blame them. He made his way up and jumped down his bed. Too tired to even get the blanket. He laid on his tummy, closing his eyes and passing out.

Hours went by and Louis was still sound asleep unlike his family. "You're useless! Go get Edward!" Harry rolled his eyes, "He's not home!" His dad crossed his arms, "Well, go get Louis then! At least he's more useful than you!" Harry frowned, getting out from under the car, "Whatever." He got up and made his way upstairs, "Do it yourself then you piece of shit. Oh wait, you can't. That's why you called for my help." He muttered under his breath, clenched his jaw. "Louis." He knocked on the door before opening it. Seeing the boy passed out on the bed he chuckled.

"Wakie, Wakie Lou." He made his way over to the bed, "Lou!" He frowned when he didn't get an answer. He shook the boy gently before jokingly getting in bed with him. Harry climbed on top on the boy and shaking his shoulders, "Lou! I need your help."

Louis bit his lip. He woke up the first time Harry called for him but he couldn't answer. He couldn't. You see, being a teenager you get morning wood..unfortunately and when someone you found incredibly attractive is pressing against you...there's nothing you can do...then to enjoy it.

He closed his eyes, biting into his lip and he moved himself against Harry's crotch. Just a little bit, to not make it obvious. Harry didn't notice it at first. He looked down at Louis' bum moving up against him. He let out a small breath. Shit. He moved his hand down to his waist, moving it slowly into his shirt. Harry could hear a small whimper as Louis moved up against him once again. "You're making me hard." He whispered softly to the boy. He knew he was awake. He knew it all along. "Then don't stop." The younger boy whispered, moving against Harry more and more.

Suddenly he felt Harry's body laying on top of his. His hand making it's way around Louis' throat, tightening his hold as he humped against him. Louis left out a moan, the touch, the warmth. His pants were already wet. "I really want to kiss you."

He turned around and wrapped his legs around Harry's waist, clinging onto him as he grabbed the curly mans white shirt, "I like your snapback." He smiled. God he had missed Harry so much. Words couldn't even begin to explain. He pulled him down, smashing their lips together. Harry couldn't hold back, moving his hands under Louis' shirt, feeling his curves, waist, chest, all of it. Exploring all of it. They both pulled away gasping for air, eyes connecting. The sparkle, the lust. Just more. Harry connected their lips once again, moving in his tongue. It was messy, wet, rough but they loved it. They really had missed each other. Louis pulled his curls while Harry hurried to unbuckle his pants.

"What the fuck-" they turned to see their dad standing in the doorway.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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