Chapter Eight.

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Hey beautiful!

So, I don't know if you have noticed but in most chapters Louis has been more intimate with Edward than with Harry. And there's a reason for that.

I wanted Harry and Louis to eventually have their own chapter, so this one will be it. The next chapter will also probably be the two of them, (if you liked the idea.) and I think it'd be a lot of smut since this one wasn't any of it. But there's fluff so don't be disappointed in me hehe

Anyway, enjoy! And again thank you!


"Yeah, didn't work out very well." He watched Niall pouring food down his throat. He would've been disgusted if he wasn't so used to watch it on a daily basis.

"What!?" Niall stared at Louis with wide eyes and stopped eating.

Damn, he must've been perplexed if he actually stopped eating for a second. "But I don't understand. It should've worked." He bit his nails, giving Louis a confused look. "I think the plan didn't work because they're too smart together. Specially Edward. When I strike, they strike twice as hard. You- you have no idea." He sighed, looking down. Niall gave his friend a sympathetic look, feeling concerned for him. Obviously, it wasn't a healthy living for him. Perhaps, it was time to change the subject.

"How did it go with your girlfriend? Bet you and Eleanor had a fun time, eh mate?" Niall tried to cheer him up, but to his disappointment it didn't work. Louis kept looking down. He let out a small sniffle, trying to cover it with a cough. Niall's smile faded, realising they must've ruined it for him also. "What happened?" His jaw clenched, becoming pissed off.

"It's nothing-"

"Mate! You keep stringing me along. It's time to let the cat out the bag!" His voice was tense but, really he was more concerned than anything. And Louis knew it wasn't fair to keep everything from him but where was he going to begin? He didn't understand half of the shit himself.

"Harry snogged her."

He looked up to see Niall's face growing red of anger. It always happened when he was proper enraged. But honestly? Louis had never seen his bloke so heated before. He's probably seen him mad a handful of times or less. He just isn't the type to get angry. But when he does, he's quite intimidating. He looked down at his plate when he realised Niall wasn't going to say anything. "I just wish I could be friends with them. I'm sick of playing their game."

"Here's the plan." Louis snapped up to Niall after waiting minutes for him to say something. "They're against you. Meaning-two against one. So, you need to turn one of them over. Once you have one of them on your side, the game is over." Louis nodded intrigued. "And how am I supposed to do that?" Niall gave him a slight chuckle. "You said it yourself, Tommo. Becoming friends with one of them."
Sure, it was a good plan. But how the fuck was he supposed to do that?

"And if that doesn't work. They'll have to deal with me." He clenched his fist half-jokingly. Louis laughed.


"You're what!?" He gasped.

"Oh, honey. We have to, I'm sorry. It's really important for your father's company." Her grip loosened around the suitcase to plant a kiss on his forehead. "But why?" He pouted, giving her his full on puppy eyes. He always seemed to get away with it. Perhaps then, she wouldn't leave, he hopelessly thought.

"They've already told you why." Harry shot him a glance, having his arms crossed.

Louis rolled his eyes, ignoring him. "It's only a couple of days, hun. It's an important business meeting, and your father needs moral support." Louis wanted to yell in her face that Desmond wasn't his dad and he wanted her to stop calling him that, but that was only imaginable. "We have to go, baby." Desmond checked the clock on his wrist.

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