Chapter Ten.

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Long time no see friends! 💜

Gonna admit guys, gonna be a weird chapter, I'm a bit in my drunken state lol. Enjoy tho...

Staring right up in the ceiling, Louis had stayed in his bed for the past hours, still humiliated about earlier. He was debating whether going over to Niall, maybe it'd cool him down. He'd need it. All of this was too confusing for the boy. Not only did he think he was straight until the Styles came into his life and then they, or more specifically- Harry stole his "girlfriend." well soon to be girlfriend like Louis had told himself since kindergarten.

His "brother" (who's dick he sucked some hours ago) stole his soon to be wife. How could he let himself be played like that? He knew he didn't want Harry. Course he didn't, why would he? What about Harry would possibly be attractive to Louis? Nothing. Absolutely nothing..

Suddenly he felt a vibration in his pocket, pulling out his phone to see a message from Niall,

Oii mate, is it true that harrys having a party?

shorty tommy
Unfortunately . And I swear to god if you don't change that contact name dude .

Says the one who named me leprechaun. anyway what do you mean unfortunately ? It's wicked !

shorty tommy
Not when you're not in the mood for it .

Some minutes passed and still no answer, Louis sighed. He could hear the music pounding through the walls from downstairs, teenagers singing on top of their lungs. Louis could literally smell alcohol and if it wasn't on top of it all he could hear moaning and pounding coming through the wall from Harry's room. It couldn't get worse, could it? And before you ask Louis had already tried to wear earplugs, it didn't work. He looked down at his stomach growling, maybe a getting a snack wouldn't hurt? He hadn't eaten in a few hours anyway.

He got up from his bed, maybe a shirt and shorts wasn't the best option for a party but Louis couldn't give a damn. He didn't even care to fix his hair, letting it be ruffled as he went downstairs only to stop in the stairs, lips parting at the view. The house were filled with people, more than Louis thought. Most dancing to the music, some drinking their arses off. He wasn't sure how but somehow there was now a ping pong table in the living room. Teens were trying to get the ball in the other teams drinks so the team would have to drink up, ya know how the game goes. Another thing Louis admit was impressive were the fact that someone had covered the ceiling and walls in LED lights, the colours changing rather quickly.

Louis walked downstairs and passed people, heading to the kitchen. He walked over to the fridge, opening it and looking for something to snack. He closed it and opened the shelf instead, grabbing a bag of chips. He quickly turned around once he felt someone poking his shoulder,

"Hi Louis!" A bright wide smiled Niall shouted over the music.

Louis' eyes widened, "What're you doing here Niall!?" He asked surprised. That's why he didn't answer his text message, that leprechaun, he knew he shouldn't have told him about the party. "I-We are going to party!!" He sang awfully loudly, making a group of teens chuckle at him. Louis sighed, face palming, "We are not!" He grumbled. Niall rolled his eyes, dancing awkwardly to the music, "Oh c'mon Louis! You're so grumpy. Do you understand how cool this is?? We're partying with people from college, COLLEGE. I might find a super hot girlfriend here, mate. I feel it. Tonight's the night." He said overly excited, "Yeah, yeah, whatever mate." Louis said, opening his mouth again but before he could speak Niall interrupted him, "Oh by the way, Eleanor's over there." Louis eyes widened, "wHAT!?" He said before he could make any movement he felt a hand, tugging his collar roughly, "What are you two losers doing here!?" Harry glared at him. Harry's best friend Zayn seemed to have roughly tugged at Niall's collar also.

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