Chapter One.

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(Harry in the picture)

Hope you all will enjoy the first chapter :)

And for each chapter it's more well written so please bare with me!

It's been almost two and a half years since Louis Tomlinson was forced to move in with his mums stupid boyfriend- and his even worse sons.

Louis hated the Styles brothers, but at the same time he was drawn to them. Like at those typical family dinners, when Edward just had to bite his bottom lip anytime Louis glanced his way, or how Harry would rush his long fingers through his wet curls and smirk at Louis, walking out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

But then they would make him despise them by commenting on his unmanly shape and curvy body. Louis wanted revenge, and what they didnt realize was that he had their biggest weakness in his small hands. Through the thin walls that separated their bedrooms he could overhear them lusting after him at night.

However, it was 02:25AM and Louis opened his eyes for the 8th time. He had been woken up about half an hour ago, and the rain outside the window only made him sleepier. He turned over with the blanket over his head, making a groan of irritation at the noisy sounds that wouldn't stop.

What the hell is that?

Frustrated and restless he went to the bathroom. He looked up at himself in the mirror and shrugged, he fixed his fringe a bit and washed his hands. The even now louder sound made Louis jump a bit.

He went to look in the hallway. It came from Harry's room. The door was closed and Louis just went for it. He put his ear against the door,
"Ahh Lou.." the moaning voice was deep and raspy, which caused Louis to gasp and in that moment the door gave in to his weight and slid open, causing Louis to fall helplessly on the floor.

The boy quickly sat up, gulping nervously at the curly man in front of him. He could've sworn Harry's eyes widened a bit but now all he did was smirking.

"I-I" he started off. Louis had literally no idea how he was supposed to save that awkward incident. But for Harry, it wasn't.
"Knew you couldn't stay away from me." he smirked at the younger boy.

Louis got up, all he could do is staring at the man who only bit his lip, smirking at Louis.
"W-What you on a-about?" he trembled. Taking a step back against the door. Harry sat up a bit, glancing down at his crotch. He couldn't stop staring at the little twink.

For fucks sake, all he could think about was Louis' pretty lips on his dick.
"Lou, come here babe. Could use those pretty lips of yours." Harry's voice was raspy, with a bit of tease in it. Louis couldn't make out if he was serious or not. Humiliated he ran out of the room to his own and he could hear that devilish laugh behind him.

Thank god he was lucky for only seeing Harry's naked chest, Louis thought.

Or was he?

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