Chapter Nine.

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Eyes slowly opened and hand reached over to check the time on his phone. 10:36am. He whined and turned around, covering his arm over his face because of the sunlight hitting his eyes. After the realisation of lack of touch and the memories coming back from yesterday. His eyes opened once again, scanning the room to find himself being alone. He let out a soft grumble and went back to sleep.

"Are you going to sleep away the whole day?" A voice by the doorway said. Louis' eyes opened slowly. "It's 1pm." Harry said once again. Louis stretched out his body, letting out a yawn. "It is?" He said sleepily. "Yeah, I've made breakfast." Louis' eyes widened, he stared at Harry. "You? Making breakfast? What have you done to Harry?" He said half jokingly. "Actually, I do make my own breakfast. But yeah, I made it for the two of us." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "You? being nice?" Louis said completely stunned. "Oh, get over yourself. It's too early for you to make jokes." Harry grinned a little. "Hurry up before it get's cold." He added before leaving downstairs. Louis nodded, putting on the first thing he could find- An Adidas hoodie with a pair of shorts.

He headed downstairs, actually impressed by Harry being able to make scrambled eggs. He sat down, beginning to eat. "So, I'm planning on having a party here tonight." He said.

"A party?" Louis looked up at him, wanting to let out the deepest sigh he possibly he could.


"But mum said-"

"Lou, we already had this conversation yesterday." He frowned at the younger boy.

Harry ate up rather quickly and got up from the table, throwing the dishes in the sink causing Louis to flinch. "I cooked, you clean." He gave him a wink before leaving. "What..." Louis frowned at him, looking around to see how messy it actually was. He let out the deep sigh he had been keeping in.


Both of them laid out on each couch. Harry was switching through every channel on the TV. Clearly, both was bored as hell. Not knowing what to do for the time being. However, Louis knew he had to convince Harry to not have that stupid party. He couldn't bare it. "I'm going to tell our parents about the party." He said simply as that, saying the first thing that came out of his mouth.

With no response, he looked up from his phone to see Harry paying him no attention, giving no shit whatsoever. Louis huffed, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him. Harry looked in his direction, the slightest pissed off.

"I'm going t-"

"I heard you the first time."

"Then why ignore me?" Louis pouted.

"Because." Harry responded, turning back to his phone.

"Because what!?" Louis yelled in annoyance. He was growing tired of Harry having no interest in him. Yesterday he seemed to care for him, but as he thought. Time would tell. And it certainly did. Now he was back to square one. He didn't know whether what Harry said yesterday was real or the alcohol messing with him. Louis was worried that it was the second thought. He was torn having his feelings messed with. He was growing torn of it all. But surely Harry was taking this into his own entertainment.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know?" He snorted, having his eyes on his phone. Yeah, that was it. Louis couldn't do this anymore. His anger was growing by the second.

"Alright, that's it. I'm going to tell my mum now, including all the shit you've done to me." He glared at him, pulling up his phone and calling his mother's number, putting on speaker. Harry snapped up when he heard the beep. "Lou." He warned, but Louis wouldn't listen. On the third beep Harry got up, walking over to him and tried to snatch his phone. Louis hid it behind his back causing Harry to to get on top of him.

"Hello? Baby are you okay?" His mother's voice was heard. Harry's glare intensified and snatched the phone from behind Louis back. About to end the call Harry had a better idea in his mind. He gave the phone to Louis, holding it to his ear. "Hello?? Louis?" As Louis was opening his mouth Harry attacked his neck, sucking and biting. Giving him love bites. "H-Hey." He bit his lip, trying to ignore the pleasure, though when Harry starting grinding his crotch against Louis he had to cover his mouth. "Louis?" Her voice more firm.

"Y-Yes..How is it...there? I miss yoU." He squealed the last word since Harry had pulled his shirt up and left love bites down his belly. "Yes, it's going well, hun. Are you sick?" She asked concerned. Harry with no patience had already unzipped Louis' pants. Taking out his member and started sucking him off, Louis couldn't help but let out a whimper. "YES VERY SICK BYE!" He hung up, pulling his head back in pleasure. He would've given Harry a slap but right now, he couldn't, the pleasure was overtaking his body. "Gosh." He said, looking down at Harry staring right up at him, his eyes dark and pupils wide.

Louis couldn't help himself, it was the first time someone had ever sucked him off and because of that he came rather quickly. He moaned out Harry's name and was overwhelmed with pleasure, one he had never experienced before. Harry pulled him into an intense snog, one both had to pull away from a couple of times due to their heavy breathing. Harry bit down on Louis' bottom lip making him whimper. He grabbed Louis hand, putting it on his crotch.

"I'm so hard for you." He whispered into his ear, sending Louis chills down his spine.

Louis palmed his crotch before quickly unzipping Harry's pants and pulling out his member, much bigger than his own. He was huge, enormous. He must've been staring for long since Harry had tugged his hair, forcing him on his member. Louis sat up, having one hand to hold him up. He wrapped his hand around Harry's length and began to suck him off causing Harry to moan.

"You're doing so fucking good, Lou. So sexy for me like this, aren't you? Fuck."

Louis kept going in the same speed, not sure what else to do since he had never sucked somebody off before, "Faster." Harry said, forcing him down more making Louis tear up. His movements fastened and it seemed to work since Harry moaned and pulled his head back in pleasure, "Just like that, shit. Look at me." Harry said and Louis did. He looked up at the older boy and that was it for Harry. To see his ocean blue eyes teary, so submissive. It shot him over the edge.

"Shit Lou." He breathed out, pulling up his pants and pulled him into a kiss before smirking at him, "Should've listened, shouldn't you?" He said, getting up from the couch. Louis stared at him dumbfounded, "What?" He asked, throat sore. Harry let out a little chuckle. "Gotta get ready for the party. See you later little bro."

Louis watched him leave completely stunned. After all he just did and Harry wouldn't even give up his party for him? And on top of that, having just called him little bro when he sucked him off one second ago?

"What the fuck."

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