Chapter Twelve.

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Months had passed.

Some things had changed, others hadn't.

Harry was off to college. Their parents and Edward had returned back from the business trip. Nothing special had happened.

Everything was quiet...

Louis went to school like he should. Came home, ate dinner, spent some time on his computer and slept. It was how it went.

He had a calm life like he wanted but he couldn't feel more broken inside.

You know that strange feeling when you see people around you. You stand on the street, people walking past, beside, behind, front of you but you realise you have no one. All of those streets crowded but no one theres with you.

He had lost his best friend. Niall wouldn't talk to him anymore. He didn't speak to Harry anymore, honestly he kind of missed him, in what way he wasn't sure. What way could he miss him anyway? As a brother? Disgustingly laughable. A friend? Not sure. As a lover? Unanswerable. But he did miss him.

In some twisted way...

He sat on his bed, he couldn't help it. He usually stayed up these nights, thinking of what he could've done differently. If he just hadn't said those words to Niall in those seconds of anger. If he didn't start the stupid game with Harry and Edward. Why would he challenge them anyway? It was so fucking stupid. He hated himself. He hated himself for it all. If it weren't for his mistakes he would've had his best friend back, he would've felt-

He sighed, staring at the contact names of Harry and Niall on his phone, contemplating if he should text them. Maybe he could turn everything back to normal, maybe-


He startled, eyes stared up at the dark figure by the doorway. "Not sleeping, are you?" The raspy, low voice came through. Louis only shook his head. Watched as Edward walked inside and closed the door carefully to not awake their parents.

"What do you want Edward?" He hissed. He hadn't talked to him in a month or so, maybe even two. He just wanted to be alone in his miserable ball of mistakes.

"I" He scratched the back of his neck, something both he and Harry would do when they were nervous. "I was headed to Jake's flat. Just wondered if you wanted to come."

Louis was a bit surprised by the invitation, he had never asked before, "Why would I want to? What're you guys even gonna do?"

"Just hang out. Some of our friends will be there. There will be booze as well I'd think."

"And why are you asking me to join? To make fun of me?" He put his phone away, looking at his knees. "Louis, I know what I've done is..I-" he sighed, "Look I've seen that you've been lonely lately. You just stay in your room. You never bring friends over anymore...Well..friend. I just thought that, well, perhaps you needed some company."

Louis sighed, leaning against the wall. Maybe he was right. He never did anything other than sitting in his room, feeling sorry for himself. Maybe he needed to get out. Maybe find some new friends. "I mean..I won't make fun of me, will you?" He said a bit unsure of the past.

"Promise." Edward smiled at him.

Perhaps going at midnight wasn't the best idea, it was half past two and Louis was yawning. Most of the guys talked on the couch. Louis wasn't sure why Edward wanted him to join anyway, but he couldn't deny it was fun. He was drunk from the booze- putting him in a relaxed, sleepy drunken state with overly much confidence. How did alcohol give you that?

"Really, are you seriously telling me that you think Queen is better than The Beatles?" One of the friends- Max said. "I am standing by that and will say it a hundred times again. Queen is better, I mean, have you even listened to Bohemian Rhapsody?"


"Well that explains it." Louis shook his head dumbfounded. "Anyway, gotta get some more- " He shook his empty glass, grinning at the man, "Booze." He said before getting up and leaving to the kitchen. Seeing Edward there...alone.

"Hey." Louis said, walking to the kitchen counter to fill up the empty glass. "Haven't you had enough of that?" Edward looked at him seriously before chuckling. "Messing with ya. Drink how much you'd like. You need it with those eye- bags." He smirked at him.

"Ouch, raw truth, huh." Louis drank a sip before jumping upon the counter, sitting on it comfortably.

"Can I ask a question?" Edward asked, fingertip circling the glass. "Oi."

"What happened to your little pink skirt and knee socks?"

Louis choked on the drink, "What!?" Edward turned to his side, looking at him. "You know what I mean, don't you remember? By the kitchen counter. Like this." He said, getting in between his legs once again. "I do." Louis looked away, "What happened to it?" Edward asked out of drunken curiosity. "I threw it away." He said defensively, not wanting to talk about it.


"Because you embarrassed me! Made fun of me! What do you think!?" Louis glared at him, making eye-contact. It was the first time of the night that he did. Staring into his brown eyes, it was like..being hypnotised.

Edwards smirk disappeared, it was quiet for a moment. Louis didn't mind though, nothing felt awkward when you were drunk so he just took his time staring into Edwards eyes. "I know..and I am sorry." Louis stayed quiet, surprised. Edward didn't seem like the type to admit he's done wrong. "I guess, I didn't realise how far I actually took it..I. I don't know how to explain..or really what I can say to make it better..I uh. I just wish I didn't- I mean-" Louis couldn't hold back, shutting him up with a was needed right?

His arms wrapped around Edwards neck, as did his legs around his waist. He tasted strong alcohol, but Louis didn't care. He wanted all of him. Taste every inch of him, be one with him. Edward gave in, deepening the kiss, he couldn't hold back. Moving his large hands down his waist, "Wait-" he pulled back, he had to, "Not here."

"But why?" Louis whined. He couldn't care less right now. "Somebody could walk in. Cmon." He grabbed Louis hand, rushing to the toilet before locking it once they were in. Edward pushed him against the door, having his front face the door.

Edward kissed his neck, pressing his hard on onto Louis' bum. Louis could barely breathe, he felt so turned on, so ready. He just wanted to Edward to give it to him. Edward leaned up to whisper in his ear,

"Want me to fuck you, kitten?"

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