Chapter Seven.

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I just want to say a big thank you for reading, leaving comments, upvoting. I want to thank my quiet readers as well. It means a lot.

A couple of days had went by after the most humiliating encounter of Louis' existence and quite honestly he hadn't been the same since then. Everybody could see it. His brothers could see it by the way he was ignoring them. Trying to be as far away as he could from them. His parents could see on it the way he suddenly would keep close to them. How he almost would hide behind their backs when his brothers entered the room. His best- and only friend- Niall could see it on the way Louis was stuck in his mind, keeping to himself and zooming out on lunchtime. His best friend wasn't stupid, he knew Louis was trying to come up with an victorious idea to win the war.

"Are you alright?" he asked concerned of seeing Louis stare out of the blue every now and then. He quickly snapped out of his trance and looked up at Niall then down at his food. "Hmm?" he played around in the food with his fork. "It's worse, isn't?" Louis nodded, looking up at Niall. "They went over the line this time, Ni." he wouldn't lie, the anger in Louis' voice frightened him a little bit. His grip tightened around his fork which caused a grimace on Niall's face.


Louis looked down at the box in his hands. His mother had asked him to take out the trash and now here he was, outside the house, ready to throw the trash bag in the trash container. He sighed, opening the box slightly, there it was- his pink crop-top, white thigh-high socks with a pink bow along with the pink skirt. He frowned, throwing the box in the trash bag and throwing it over in the trash container. He clapped his hands. "Was about time." He tried to convince himself, already regretting his decision. He walked back inside, walking over to the living room where his family was playing Scrabble, how boring?

"Hey, Eleanor's coming over in a bit." his step-brothers snapped to his direction immediately, he pulled his hands into his pockets uncomfortably and ignored it. "Okay, honey. Remember to use a safety protection, in other words- a condom." She smiled widely at him, giving him a wink. Louis gasped a little, blinking a couple of times.

"You're overly excited." Harry commented. Looking at her before focusing back on the game, trying to come up with a word. Louis bit his lip. Harry  looked hotter than he should've- how he was frowning when he was focusing, how he was licking his lips. Oh gosh. "That's how a mother should be. And I must say I was beginning to wonder if you weren't interested in girls." She giggled. Louis' cheeks heated up as Edward smirked at him. What an asshole.

A knock was heard, "She's here!" Louis quickly fixed his clothes, fixed his fringe and hurried over to the door. He opened it and there she was- looking like a dream come true. She had curled her brown hair, wearing a green dress, it reminded him of Harry's eyes. "Hey." He smiled at her, trying to hide his blushing cheeks. "Hi." She smiled. He welcomed her inside, as they were walking towards the stairs Harry just had to ask. "Hey, want to play with us?" he smirked at Eleanor who immediately blushed and went over. Louis sent him a glare, wondering what the hell he was doing but couldn't do anything other than following her.

Harry scooted over, patting at the empty seat next to him for Eleanor to sit down and she did. Their parents immediately saw this as an opportunity for the teenagers to spend some time with each other since they hadn't been for awhile. They excused themselves and left. Due to it only being two small couches, Louis had to sit in the other couch beside Edward. He crossed his arms, frowning at Harry.

What the hell was he planing?

"Have you kids ever played Scrabble before?" Edward asked, putting the tiles in the little bag and shaking them, eyes focusing on Eleanor. "Once or twice with my grandparents. I'm not good though." She smiled at him. Harry scooted closer to her. "Oh, I bet you're really good." She looked down shyly, blushing.

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