Chapter Three.

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"Earth to Louis!" Niall said for the third time. Practically been staring at his friend for the whole lunch break while trying to catch his attention. Louis seemed lost in his thoughts, not as ordinary. He quickly looked up at his Irish friend, utterly confused.

"Hmm?" he murmured distantly. Looking down again, distracted with playing with his fork in the disgusting glop of school food, as usual.

"Didn't you see mate!?" the blonde said a bit too eagerly and loud.

Louis mentally groaned impatiently.
"What Ni?" Niall frowned at his best friend, not paying attention to the real world. "Eleanor totally checked you out, pal. I think she's into you."
Louis eyes widened, the thought never even crossed his mind, maybe it was because of his damn step-brothers playing with his mind?

Probably not.

"You're kidding." he shook his head, not believing Niall.  "Doesn't seem like it. You're a lucky fella, having her after you." he felt a bit jealous over his best friend, however little did he know Louis didn't even like vaginas and he wasn't aware of it yet. Although he was speechless, unable to believe his friend. Eleanor? One of the schools most popular and prettiest girls. Why would she like someone like...Louis? It didn't make sense. At all. While Niall was busy shoving food down his throat, Louis glanced over at Eleanor who was talking to her friends. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her long pink fake nails were playing with her curly brown hair-

Her curls didn't look as soft as Harry's though,

Louis quickly shook his head, as to shake the unwanted image of Harry away. "Go away!" he burst out. Niall looked up with food in his mouth, eyes widened. He stared at Louis in confusion.

"What's up with you today, mate?"


The second Louis stepped into the house, the delicious smell of lasagna hit him. He took off his jacket and stepped out of his converse. As he heard his family talk in the kitchen and preparing the table, he quickly swung his backpack around his shoulder. Hurrying through the hallway to get upstairs to his room. Not exactly in the mood to spend time with his family- like most days. Suddenly he felt a large hand grab his shoulder from behind, "Where you going little one?"

Oh no..

That voice instantly gave Louis icy chills down his spine. He was caught by who he was trying to escape from. But as said this time was going to be revenge for once and all. Louis was stuck up with always being the speechless one. Now it was the Styles turn. Louis turned around, frowning at his older step-brother for questioning his actions. "Upstairs to my room, duh?" he snapped. However, what he expected didn't occur.

Edward didn't gasp or flinch, he only leaned in closer, too close. Whispering right into Louis ear, "Perhaps to change into your 'girl' clothes?" he mocked.

Louis could feel his smirk burning on him. Even though he didn't prefer them as 'girl' clothes- he loved to wear them. But unfortunately he could wear nothing but a pair of boring jeans and a shirt right now. His parents would literally kill him if they ever found out about his secret, and he desperately hoped Edward wouldn't tell.

He gasped a bit, trying to come up with something to say, anything to say. "No, because I wouldn't want to give you a boner while our parents are around." he mocked back, couldn't help but to proudly smirk a bit. But again, Edward didn't even budge, he leaned closer, stroking Louis cheek.

"But why would I ever be aroused by you, kitten?" he said with a straight face, staring right into Louis eyes.

Louis was taken aback, feeling his eyes watering a little, but he wouldn't let them put him down this time. He was done being humiliated and hurt by Edward...and Harry too for that matter. He couldn't help but feel anger rise inside of him. He opened his mouth, regretting the words that would come out, "Hmm, I don't know!? Since you practically almost fucked me on the counter the last time, you desperate cunt!" he almost yelled out. As soon as he finished that sentence his hand flew to cover his mouth in shame.
He couldn't help it, it wasn't his fault, right!? Edward made him do it!

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