4: Tetsuro Kuroo - The Closet (Lime)

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Warning! As this is a lime there are sexual parts during this oneshot, but they don't go all the way.

Note: The header actually inspired this whole oneshot. I haven't read the manga so I don't know for certain, but I know in the anime so far Kuroo and Yachi have had barely any contact, but I personally think they look so damn cute together.

 Yamamoto was hosting a Nekoma volleyball club sleepover over at his house, and the whole team insisted that I attended as I was their manager. The only reason I became their manager was because it was necessary to attend an extra-curricular activity at our school, and pretty much every club had been filled by the time I was informed that it was mandatory. The position of being a manager for the volleyball team was created for me thanks to the fact Lev was in my class and I got on really well with him, despite his hyper-activeness.

I was usually a quiet and awkward girl who mainly kept to herself, which was why I was incredibly skeptical about joining the volleyball team, however I didn't have much of a choice. I had borderline no idea as to what I was doing, and the team intimidated me immensely at the beginning. Thankfully as I slowly settled into the role I had gotten used to the team, and despite my fellow first years being a little over the top, they all treated me kindly. The only team members that still intimidated me were Yamamoto, Kai and of course the captain, Kuroo.

I had another problem with Kuroo however. I had somehow managed to develop an intense crush on the messy-haired captain, which was naturally inconvenient. Thanks to the fact that the team knew I found him quite intimidating, that's what they wrote my blush off as whenever he spoke to me. Annoyingly however, Lev knew me better than anyone on the team and managed to guess my true feelings towards Kuroo. It was these feelings (along with the fact it would just be other boys) that made me nervous about attending Yamamoto's sleepover.

Still, the team swayed me mainly because they wouldn't stop bothering me about it. Naturally I told my parents I was staying over at a girlfriends house because I knew for a fact they wouldn't let me go if I was sleeping in the same room as ten boys. When I arrived at Yamamoto's house I cautiously approached the door, ringing the bell carefully. Seconds later and much to my surprise, Kuroo opened the door.

"(y/n)! Damn, I thought you were the pizzas we ordered," he said casually, stepping aside to allow me in.

"O-oh... sorry to disappoint," I mumbled, slipping off my shoes and pulling out my slippers.

"No! That's not what I meant, I'm glad you're here," he smiled. I just nodded and followed him through the hall towards a very large lounge. I couldn't quite believe just how big Yamamoto's house was, but I guess that was the reason why his place was first choice for this sleepover.

"Hey, (y/n)'s here!" Lev jumped up excitedly, engulfing me in a big hug.

"Hope you don't mind (y/n), we've already ordered the takeaway. Weren't sure what time you were getting here, so..." Yamamoto shrugged but I just waved it off.

"No worries, thank you," I bowed with gratitude and Inuoka 'awed'. "So... where am I sleeping?" I looked around at the number of futons that had already been laid out.

"Oh, we put you right here!" Yamamoto said, gesturing the only neat futon left.

"Right next to me," Kuroo stepped forward towards his futon and I couldn't stop the blush from appearing on my face. I tried to distract myself by pulling out various belongings from my duffel bag and wondered whether this was Lev's doing. I glanced over to the half-russian and he put his thumb up and winked making me grit my teeth slightly, knowing this was a set-up. Little did I know however that he wasn't directing the thumbs up and the wink towards me.

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