30: Kei Tsukishima - Regret

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Warning! This is an angst, but with a happy ending of course!


 I adored my Kei Tsukishima and he was everything to me, however I wasn't sure I was everything to him. We had been together for almost a year now and I was so in love with him, but he always seemed so bored when in my company. I tried not to let it get to me and instead told myself that he was like that with everyone, but I thought I'd be the special exception given the fact I was his girlfriend.

"Can I stay for your volleyball practice?" I asked Kei eagerly.

"No," he said simply, not even bothering to look up at me whilst he was packing his books into his bags. My smile faltered for a moment, but I decided to remain optimistic.

"W-why not?" I dared to ask.

"Because it's just a club. You might as well just go home."

"Oh... okay, well if that's what you'd like me to do then okay," I smiled at him, catching him blush a little and avert his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow Kei," I said brightly, pecking his cheek before leaving the classroom, waving to Yamaguchi also as I walked out. The fact Kei would put so little effort into our relationship irritated and upset me from time to time, but I didn't want to bring it up in fear of irritating him. I instead just decided to stay in his company and to be with him as much as I could which was mainly in school. We had rarely gone on dates and sometimes I thought he was embarrassed by me, but then I thought that if he really did feel that way he wouldn't be with me in the first place.

"Kei! Fancy studying together after your volleyball practice?" I asked him, approaching his desk after school one day.

"No, I don't want you watching my practice," he said simply.

"I didn't mean that, I'll wait until you get home-,"

"There's no point is there? You could just study by yourself," he said simply.

"O-oh... well I wanted to study with you, it'll be fun," I said and he rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Fine, if you're so desperate to," he scoffed, hauling his bag on his shoulder. I followed him out the classroom and all the way down to the gym, before saying my goodbye.

"See you later Kei!" I called out to him and he just nodded.

"Yeah," he said simply, turning his back on me and heading towards the clubroom. When he arrived home, our study session was not as much fun as I thought it'd be. He was quiet for most of it, and every time I attempted to ask for his help he'd explain whatever I was having difficulty with way too quickly for me to process. Whenever I got a question wrong he'd scoff, and whenever I got one right he'd just mutter a small 'well done', a small blush on his cheeks.

"Well it's gotten quite late Kei, I think I might head back home," I said, standing and stretching. He looked up at me and nodded, then packing my school bag for me before handing it over. "Thanks," I said with a smile, leaning up and kissing him sweetly.

"Walk home safe," he said as he led me to the front door.

"I will, I'll text you when I'm back home," I said and he just nodded. "Bye!" I waved at him as I walked down the garden path. He didn't say anything but waved back, then shutting the door.

- Timeskip -

He had once again rudely turned down my request to watch him practice volleyball, and for the hundredth time I wasn't sure why. I decided to creep over to the gym to try and have a peek. I jumped up and grabbed ahold of the bars covering the windows, peeking through and seeing that the window was floor level on the inside. There were a lot of pairs of trainers running around, and several balls bouncing to and forth. I spotted Yamaguchi on the other side of the gym, and he too spotted me. Apparently I made him jump as he shouted out in fear, dropping the volleyballs he was carrying.

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