36: Tobio Kageyama - Senpai (Lemon)

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Warning! There's sexual content within this oneshot, made obvious by the title.

Requested bybruhbruhbruhlolbruh

 My boyfriend, Tobio Kageyama, was very volleyball oriented. When we got together towards the end of middle school he got me interested in the sport also, him teaching me everything he could with a gleam in his dark blue eyes. Some of his teammates found him to be snappish and harsh, but I just saw someone who was passionate. He may have thrown the occasional tantrum when a player didn't do what he wanted, but he was slowly getting better at calming down thanks to me.

As he taught me about volleyball, showing me some moves and how he sets I too became eager to be involved in the sport, however as much as the idea of playing sounded like fun I much preferred the idea of being a manager for the boys team. The idea of watching my boyfriend play the sport he loved as well as being a part of his team was much more appealing to me.

He was still trying to get used to the team, one guy called Tsukishima being particularly annoying and seemingly targeting Tobio. I think having me there on the team calmed him down whenever he felt like he was going to get carried away, as I was the only one who could truly make him relax.

Currently the team were in the gym warming up whilst Shimizu took me through a few manager duties. Suddenly the door to the gym slammed open, and in jumped a tired looking Takeda, clutching a piece of paper. "We've been invited to a practice match!" He announced, catching everyone's attention immediately.

"A practice match? Against who?" Sawamura asked.

"Aoba Johsai!" Takeda said and immediately Tobio and I exchanged glances. I was friends with Tobio back in first year of Kitagawa Daiichi, meaning I knew of Toru Oikawa's dislike for him. I was aware that Oikawa and his best friend Iwaizumi went to Seijoh, but I had only ever seen the pair of them at games when I went to cheer on Tobio. Not only that, but Kindaichi and Kunimi moved to Seijoh for high school, those two having a very particular dislike for my boyfriend. Immediately I was nervous, wondering what would happen during the match already. "There's only one condition however. Kageyama has to play setter for the entire match."

I almost choked on my own saliva, Tobio going slightly rigid. The team began to get a little defensive due to the fact Sugawara was always the starting setter, but he didn't seem to mind giving up the role for this one match.

As I walked home with Tobio that evening I was deep in thought, wondering why they'd want to target him like that. "(y/n)?" Tobio snapped me from my thoughts and I looked up at him. "You okay?"

"Yeah I just... I guess I'm just wondering why they had that one condition," I said thoughtfully.

"It's obvious isn't it? Kindaichi and Kunimi probably said something, and Oikawa being who he is probably initiated this match with those conditions," he said nonchalantly, taking my hand in his.

"Are you okay though? Will you be alright going against them after... after what happened last year?" I asked nervously.

"I'll be fine, plus Hinata and I will be able to execute that quick. And you'll be there, won't you? Cheering me on?" He smiled a small hopeful smile which made my heart melt.

"Of course I will be," I couldn't help but beam, cuddling his arm as we walked back to his for the evening.

- Timeskip -

We climbed off of the bus and onto Seijoh's campus and were led to their large sports gym. It was bigger than Karasuno's, and when we stepped inside we could see the volleyball team already practicing. I spotted Kindaichi and Kunimi, the two of them glaring at Tobio which angered me slightly. I grabbed my boyfriends hand somewhat protectively, and he sent me a small but reassuring smile.

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