24: Kotaro Bokuto - Power Cut (Lemon)

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Warning! Because this oneshot is a lemon, so there's sexual content within it.

Requested by: IcyThot_is_Mine

 For a very long time now, I had had a crush on the Fukurodani volleyball captain, Kotaro Bokuto. We were friends and hung out together during breaks and lunches, but my feelings for him escalated over time much to my frustration. I didn't want to have a crush on him, but here I was, staring at him in class like I always seemed to do recently.

We were currently in an literature lesson and almost my entire focus was on Bokuto, so much so that I didn't hear the teacher announce the homework project we had to do until she called my name. "(l/n) and Bokuto will make a pair," she said, followed by reeling off more members of the class she had paired up for this task. I saw Bokuto look back at me from his desk, a bright beam on his face and an enthusiastic thumbs up and I couldn't help but laugh.

The task was simple, we had to find an author from the classics section in the book store, then study their work and compare their books, resulting in a presentation in front of our teacher. Apparently it was marked, and that went to our final grade, and as I got better grades than Bokuto in this subject I felt as though the responsibility fell to me. "So (y/n), what books are we studying?" He asked eagerly when he came over to my desk.

"Honestly I have no idea, how about we got to the mall tomorrow, to that bookstore and we can pick someone out from there," I said and he nodded.

"After morning practice, sure! Fancy coming to watch?" He asked. He always seemed eager for me to watch him play, but I felt awkward just standing on the sidelines not doing anything.

"Er- yeah, yeah sure," I smiled. Despite feeling awkward I still loved to see him playing, and adored seeing his powerful spikes.

- The Next day -

I stood at the sidelines, a little flustered after watching him play so well. He and the team were cooling down, so I simply waited for him to finish so we could head to the mall. It would be the first time out of school hours that we would be alone together, so I was admittedly nervous with anticipation but soon enough he was in front of me, dressed in casual clothes and wearing his natural smile. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded, trying to avoid eye contact. I was desperate to just be my usual self, and to not hide away behind flusters of nervousness or embarrassment.

"So what books we studying?" Bokuto asked as we walked towards the shopping mall.

"I honestly don't know, how about we just see what catches our attention at the book store?" I suggested and he nodded.

"What did you think to my spikes?" He teased me, poking my sides.

"Impressive as always," I said, trying desperately to keep my composure.

"(y/n), you okay? You seem a little flustered," he suddenly said and I let out a small yelp.

"I'm fine! C'mon, hurry up, we don't want the shops to shut!" I started running, as though trying to escape my feelings.

"Wait (y/n)! The shops don't shut for another four hours!" Bokuto called out, running after me, catching up easily.

"W-well... I want to give us plenty of time to choose," I gave that lame excuse and carried on running, the two of us being out of breath by the time we actually reached the shopping mall. I felt as though I was about to keel over, but Bokuto soon seemed fine thanks to his extensive volleyball training. He handed me his water bottle which I happily chugged whilst he looked for the bookstore on the mall's directory.

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