22: Tetsuro Kuroo - Let Me Love You

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Warning! This is a pure fluff OVERLOAD

 I was sat at the back of the classroom, staring wistfully at my crush. He was the captain of the volleyball team, Tetsuro Kuroo, and was adorably goofy, so handsome and caring that it made my heart warm every time I looked at him, which was a lot. I wasn't even sure he knew I existed, I was quite a recluse and kept to myself, not having many friends in the class but not really minding. Although seeing Kuroo's popularity made me realise that he'd never even look at someone like me.

There was another problem though, and that came in the form of a pretty girl who walked into the classroom and perked herself on Kuroo's desk, pulling him in for a kiss. These were among the only times I'd force myself to look away from my crush - when his girlfriend came into the classroom to hang out with him. Her name was Touka Yada, and one really irritating thing was that she was a sweet girl who was kind and pretty. There was nothing about her that made me think that she doesn't deserve Kuroo, because she was one of the schools perfect girls.

Still, my feelings for Kuroo remained. Thankfully Yada wasn't in our classes but that still didn't mean he knew who I was, nor would be willing to pay any attention to me. I just sat, by myself, at the back of the classroom wondering what it'd be like to be in his arms.

Despite him having a girlfriend and not knowing who I was to begin with, I still attended all of his games. As I was an introvert I kept my cheers to myself, but clapped along when the crowds did. My eyes were naturally trained on Kuroo, smiling to myself as I watched him perform spike after spike, racking up the points for Nekoma. Naturally I was happy when he won, but as I exited the stadium I spotted him and his girlfriend hugging and kissing, making my stomach churn a little. I walked passed them, neither of them noticing me despite the fact I was wearing Nekoma uniform.

My feelings for Kuroo were just something I'd have to get over, and as we were graduating in a few months I wouldn't have to see him or his girlfriend. I'd finally be out in the free world, making a life for myself... wishing I could be with Kuroo.

- Timeskip - - Five Years Later -

I leant back in my chair, stretching my arms up high in an effort to click my back, relieving myself from the pain of sitting down for so long. I was busy at my desk in my study, drawing up the last few pages before the deadline next week. I was now a manga artist, living in central Tokyo where life never seemed to stop. I had become a little bit more of an outgoing person, able to talk to people at least but I still found myself to be an introvert, something which my colleagues liked to tease me about.

"Feels like I've been sat here for weeks," I mumbled to myself, laying my head down on my work and clicking my wrist. I still had nine pages to complete before next week, and because I was such a perfectionist I was worried I wouldn't have them done in time. Despite that, I knew I needed a break so stood up and grabbed my coat, locking my apartment on the way out. I spent a while just wandering around, clearing my head despite it being pretty empty already - not much was going on in my life, all of it revolved around my artwork.

As I walked through the streets I saw people in suits and smart outfits flooding the pavements, crossing the busy roads, none of them appreciating Tokyo's true beauty. I had guessed that that was the reason I became an artist, was because I appreciated pretty things, beautiful sights and wanted to capture them in my work.

This was enough motivation to make me head back to my apartment, but before that I needed to quench my thirst so stopped off at one of my favourite coffee places, ordering my usual. As I left however I bumped into someone, causing my drink to fall to the floor and spill everywhere. "Oh crap, sorry about that- (y/n)?"

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